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Case Information
1. What is your professional role (check all that apply)?
Check all that apply:
2. What is the current status of the individual or program?
3. Please identify the primary concern and goal for this case presentation.
4. Describe contributing factors that may have kept the individual or program from progressing to the desired
5. For Individual Cases Only:
What are common triggers, stressors, and/or factors related to the priority concern?
6. For Program Cases Only:
What are the strengths, challenges, opportunities, and threats of your program?
7. What are some of the integrative care strategies that have been tried with this client, and how successful
have they been?
8. Comments or additional background narrative.
What else should the team know in order to provide feedback and recommendations?
Judicial System Representative
Court Supervised Treatment Staff
☐ Educator
☐ Other: