Section 5: Exchange Visitor Funding
Please list all sources of funding for the duration of the Exchange Visitor’s program. The Exchange
Visitor must document that he/or she has access to sufficient funding to meet minimum expenses for the
duration of his/or program. Minimum funding requirements are:
$1,100/ month/ individual
$550/month for spouse
$275/ month per each child
$1,000/ initial adjustment expenses
These estimates do not include the cost of mandatory health insurance ($60-$300/month)
Name of Agency (if applicable)
International Organization
Exchange Visitor’s Government
*Please categorize funding by the U.S. Government only if the Exchange Visitor receives funds directly from a
U.S. government agency. When individuals are supported through U.S. government funds paid to a Beloit college
professor, department or grant, this is not considered to be direct government funding.
Please provide copies of funding letters and/or bank statements to support each funding source
that the Exchange Visitor will be utilizing.
Section 6: Health Insurance
All J-1 Exchange Visitors and their accompanying J-2 dependents must obtain health insurance for the
duration of their stay that meets certain minimum requirements
• Medical benefits per accident or illness: $100,000
• Repatriation of remains: $25,000
• Medical evacuation: $50,000
• Maximum Deductible per accident or illness: $500
The exchange visitor will be purchasing his/her own insurance (must provide proof at time of
check-in with OIE)
The department or the college will be purchasing health insurance for the exchange visitor
Note: The college health insurance plan does not meet the Medical evacuation and
repatriation requirements. Additional insurance would be needed to cover this.
Host Faculty/Department Authorization
Host Faculty/Department Signature Date
Please submit this form and the following supporting documents to Shannon Jolly in the Office of
International Education (Box 134) or by email to:
• Funding Documentation (copy)
• Copy of Passport Information Page(s) for
Exchange Visitor and any dependents
• Appointment or Invitation Letter (copy)
• Proof of English Proficiency Form and
Supporting Document(s)
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