Beloit College Financial Aid Office
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form 2019-2020 Academic Year
Consider this Appeal for: Fall 2019_______ Spring 2020______ Summer 2020_______
To be eligible for financial aid, federal regulations require students to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in three areas:
Cumulative GPA, Credit Completion Rate and Maximum Time Frame. In some cases, a student’s failure to be in compliance with
one or more areas of SAP is due to events beyond the student’s control. If such “mitigating circumstances” can be documented for
the specific term(s) when the deficiencies occurred, the student may submit this completed SAP appeal, along with all required
documentation. In addition to the appeal letter and supporting documentation, students are required to create an academic plan
with their academic advisors. See page 2 for more details.
Students will receive notification of all appeal decisions by email within 3-5 business days of receipt of the appeal, supporting
documents, and the academic plan.
Examples of Mitigating Circumstances
Situations considered “mitigating circumstances” beyond a person’s control include:
Serious illness or injury to a student that requires extended recovery time or significant improvement.
Death or serious illness of an immediate family member.
Significant trauma in the student’s life that has impaired the student’s emotional and/ or physical health.
Lengthy absence requiring readmission under the College’s policy.
Other documented circumstances.
Applicant Information:
Name: _________________________________________ Beloit College ID#:_____________________________
Address: _______________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________
Phone : ( )_______________________________ Email Address:________________________________
Complete each of the Following Steps:
Attach a typed personal statement (1-2 pages double spaced) and supporting official documentation. Items to include
in your personal statement:
Explain the reason(s) that contributed to your unfavorable academic performance.
Describe what steps you are taking to assure you meet the standards of academic progress in the future.
Attach supporting document(s) that verify your statement. Anyone submitting documentation on your behalf must include
your full name and student ID # on the documentation. Examples of acceptable documentation include:
o Medical Condition—a physician’s or health care provider’s statement confirming your medical condition and that
they medically support your decision to continue your enrollment.
o Death of a Family Member—copy of the death certificate or obituary.
o Divorce/Separation—court documents or letter from an attorney/clergy member.
o Military Service—official military orders.
o Nearing Maximum Time Frame—If you have attempted 48 units or more, provided a signed statement from your
advisor or the Dean of Students, which details a term-by term plan of coursework required to complete your degree.
Your expected completion/graduation date must be included as part of this plan.
o Other extenuating circumstances—statements from counselors, clergy or social workers, employment records, such
as pay stubs, W-2’s, letter from employer, court documents and/or police reports, etc.
It is required that you complete this form in its entirety with the help of your academic advisor.
Deadline: Appeals must be received no later than two weeks after the start of the term for which you wish to return.