I hereby discontinue the present application.
We, the undersigned, have signed an agreement attached hereto. agree as follows:
Following this agreement,
I request that the file be suspended.
Information clerk code
At the demand of either party, the proceedings at the Régie may be started up again.
The filing of the agreement closes the file at the Régie,
unless the plaintiff requests that it be suspended (see below).
The discontinuance entails closing of the Régie file.
Where the parties reach an agreement, the board closes the case record upon the filing of a copy of the agreement signed by
the parties unless the party who filed the application or application files a written request to have the case suspended.
Thereafter, the case will only be placed on the roll upon the written request of a party.
Where an agreement is made or filed at the hearing and signed by the parties, the commissioner may ratify the agreement in
the form of a decision (Rules of procedures of the Régie du logement , art. 14).
After filing an application at the Régie, the plaintiff must notify it upon the other party as soon as possible. The
plaintiff must establish at the hearing, to the satisfaction of the commissioner, that the other party has received a
copy of the application.
The plaintiff may notify the application by registered mail or by bailiff. He may also avail himself of any other means which
permits proof of receipt of the application. He may, for example, deliver a copy by hand.
If the commissioner is not satisfied with the proof of notification made at the hearing by the plaintiff, he may require that
the application be notified again.
If the plaintiff is unable to effect notification in the above fashion, a commissioner may, at any time upon motion, authorize
another means of notification. If such be the case, please consult one of the clerks of the Régie.