Member's Application for Disability Retirement
Form Last Revised: February, 2020 14
Authorization to Use or Disclose Protected Health Information
I hereby authorize:
(physician, hospital, insurance company, employer, other health/rehabilitation entity)
to use or disclose the following protected health information from the medical records of the patient listed below. I understand
that information used or disclosed pursuant to this authorization could be subject to redisclosure by the recipient and, if so, may
not be subject to Federal or State law protecting its confidentiality. Information released on this authorization, if redisclosed by
the recipient, is no longer protected.
Please check one below to authorize release of your complete medical record, or, use the lines below to stipulate any exceptions.
Authorize Release of Complete Medical Record
Authorize Release of Complete Medical Record with the following exceptions
This form encompasses the following:
• Disability Retirement Application: (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 32, Sections 6, 7, 26, 94, 94A and 94B)
• Restoration to Service Evaluation (including rehabilitation): (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 32, Sections 8 and 26)
• Accidental Death Benefit: (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 32, Sections 9 and 100)
I understand I may revoke this authorization at any time by notifying the Retirement Board or PERAC in writing, unless action has
already been taken in reliance upon this authorization, or during an appeal under the applicable law.
This authorization will expire upon final determination of my disability application and Comprehensive Medical Evaluation/
Rehabilitation/Restoration to Service process.
Patient Name Date of Birth
Street Address City State Zip Code
Board Name:
City/Town: State: Zip Code:
Information To Be Disclosed To (Please check one): PERAC, 5 Middlesex Avenue, Suite 345, Somerville, MA 02145
Retirement Board (Enter address below)
Signature of Patient or Legal Representative:
Printed Name of Patient or Patient's Rep.:
Relationship to Patient/
Authority to Act for Patient, if applicable:
Disability Type:
Member: SSN: ***-**-__ __ __ __