Beaverbrook Scholars Awards
The Beaverbrook Scholars Award, created and maintained by former Lord Beaverbrook Scholarship recipients, is
awarded to three outstanding graduates of New Brunswick high schools who display high academic ability, financial
need and contribution to their communities.
The applicants are asked to submit an essay (not less than 250 words) giving the Selection Committee an indication of
their leadership capabilities and interests to date, including (but not limited to) school and extra-curricular activities.
A total of three Beaverbrook Scholar Awards
valued at $50,000 each
($12,500 per year for 4 years)
will be awarded.
NOTE: A 3.7 scholarship GPA is required each year to renew this scholarship. Students applying to UNBF under the
Grade 11 Science Pilot Program are eligible to apply for this award.
DEADLINE: Applications must be received by March 1. If the deadline falls on a Saturday or Sunday, please ensure your
application package is received by UNB on or before the Friday prior to March 1. The Beaverbrook Selection Committee
will review and select the recipients. The Committee is comprised of former Lord Beaverbrook Scholarship recipients as
well as former Beaverbrook Scholars Award recipients. The completed application package may be emailed to the
Undergraduate Awards Office as a single PDF, faxed or mailed with the required signatures. Please note the staff of the
Undergraduate Awards are working off-campus and will continue to do so throughout winter term 2021. Please do
not send registered mail (requiring a signature upon delivery) and/or hand-deliver this application package to the
Undergrad Awards Office. The applicant must be able to supply the original documentation to the Undergraduate
Awards Office upon request.
Victoria Sparkes
Director, Undergraduate Awards
University of New Brunswick
3 Bailey Drive, RM 311B
P.O. Box 4400
Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3
Email: awards@unb.ca
Fax: 506-458-7688