Employee Name: Today's Date:
Travel Destination: Travel Date(s):
Purpose of Travel (briefly explain where you are going and why)
Method of Transportation:
Is any expense directly paid by another agency? (hotel, meals or transportation)
Yes No
Is any expense reimbursable for another agency? Yes No
If so, who?
What is their method of reimbursement?
Professional development includes a broad range of topics and activities that expands your professional knowledge,
competence, skills, or effectiveness.
Is this travel for professional development?
Yes No
When you come back from your trip, you will need to enter the professional development activity in Taskstream
before receiving payment on the travel expense statement. Please provide the
total cost of the training, a narrative explaining the nature of the professional development, what you learned,
how it will benefit you at work, and specifically, how it will affect student success outcomes.
Employee Signature Date
Supervisor Signature Date
Program to be charged/GL account number Amount
Accountant Initials
(Ok on Program to Charge/Line Item)
Bay Mills Community College
Travel Authorization
Advance Requisition
Professional Development Activities
Attach Meeting Agenda if Available
Attach copies of reimbursement documentation
I agree to reconcile my travel expenses with this advance within 5 days of my travel date. Failure to file a travel
statement and to repay any overage received will result in the total travel advance or overage being deducted
from m
roll check
Actual Expense Per Diem Allowance