Bay County RESTORE Act Multi-Year Implementation Plan objectives addressed (Check only
those that apply; read full text of each objective before checking the box. Full text can be
downloaded at http://tinyurl.com/GoalsObjBayMYIP
Economic Development and Job Creation
Objective 1.1 Diversify the Economy
Objective 1.2 Contribute to infrastructure
Objective 1.3 Expand airport economic benefits
Objective 1.4 In-demand job training
Objective 1.5 Workforce development fund
Objective 1.6 Facilities to foster tourism and economic development
Objective 1.7 Recreation, public transportation, and opportunities for wage improvements
Objective 1.8 Conserve and protect natural resources
Objective 1.9 Promote recreational Gulf fishing
Objective 1.10 Community resilience planning
Objective 2.1 Improve and protect the St. Andrew Bay watershed
Objective 2.2 Improve and protect water quality
Objective 2.3 Protect seagrass beds
Objective 2.4 Increase awareness of wildlife habitat
Objective 2.5 Acquisition and management of coastal conservation lands
Objective 2.6 Preserve and restore dune systems and living shorelines
Objective 2.7 Contribute to the protection and recovery of protected species
Objective 2.8 Sustainable approach to long-term collection of water data
Public Infrastructure
Objective 3.1 Maintain water quality in Deer Point Lake
Objective 3.2 Stabilize unpaved roads
Objective 3.3 Upgrade sewage treatment to advanced wastewater treatment levels
Objective 3.4 Replacement of septic tanks with centralized wastewater treatment
Objective 3.5 Upgrading stormwater treatment facilities
Objective 3.6 Promote low impact development
Objective 3.7 Increase coastal resilience
Objective 3.8 Support the Port Authority's efforts to add capacity and increase trade