Application Submittal Checklist for a
Planning & Development Department
Planning Division
200 S. Willow St.
P.O. Box 1727
Jackson, WY 83001
ph: (307) 733-3959
BUP Checklist 1 Effective 04/01/2015
APPLICABILITY. This checklist should be used when submitting an application for a Basic Use Permit.
When is a Basic Use Permit required?
Section 6.1.1 of the LDRs contains the Use Schedule for all zones. Allowed uses that require a Basic Use Permit are denoted with a
“B.” You can also determine whether a Basic Use Permit is required by referencing Subsection C of the applicable zone.
Do I need a Pre-Application Conference first?
A Pre-Application Conference is not required prior to submittal, but an applicant may request a pre-application meeting to discuss
the requirements and applicable regulations with Planning Staff. This is encouraged for applicants who are unfamiliar with the
regulations and the planning process. If a Pre-Application Conference is held, this checklist may be modified by staff to reflect the
specifics of your project.
FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL. The application shall include a narrative statement addressing each of the applicable Findings for
Approval, found in Section 8.4.1, Basic Use Permit.
1. Complies with the use specific standards of Division 6.1: Allowed Uses and the zone; and
2. Complies with all other relevant standards of these LDRs and all other County Resolutions; and
3. Is in substantial conformance with all standards or conditions of any prior applicable permits or approvals.
Narrative description of the use. Briefly describe the proposed use for which you are seeking a permit. Include the
proposed location of the use and whether any new physical development is required.
Proposed Development Program. Please use the attached template, established in the Administrative Manual.
Site Plan. Please see the attached list of minimum standards for a site plan, established in the Administrative Manual.
Floor Plans. Include floor plans for any existing buildings that will be occupied by the proposed use. If any changes to the
buildings are proposed, indicate those on the plans.
APPLICABLE LDR STANDARDS. At a minimum, the applicant is responsible for demonstrating compliance with the standards listed
below. Depending on the nature and location of the use proposed, the applicant may also need to demonstrate compliance with
standards found in Article 5, Physical Development Standards Applicable in All Zones and Article 7, Development Option and
Subdivision Standards Applicable in All Zones, particularly if a use is being established on a previously undeveloped property.
following information for the applicable zone. If you need assistance determining which zone applies to the property, please
contact the Planning Department.
Subsection B, Physical Development of the applicable zone
Subsection C, Use Standards of the applicable zone
Subsection D, Development Options of the applicable zone
Subsection E, Zone Specific Standards of the applicable zone, if any specific standards are relevant to the proposed use
Use Specific Standards found in Sections 6.1.3 6.1.12 as applicable. If you are applying to establish an Accessory
Residential Unit, a Temporary Gravel Extraction operation, or a home occupation, please respond to the standards listed
in in the following sections of this checklist, as applicable.
BUP Checklist 2 Effective 04/01/2015
Division 6.2, Parking and Loading Standards
Division 6.3, Employee Housing Requirement
Division 6.4, Operational Standards as applicable.
Division 7.6, Transportation Facilities as applicable.
Division 7.7, Required Utilities as applicable.
ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT. If you are applying for an ARU, please respond to the following standards found in Sec. 6.1.11.B
of the LDRs:
Occupancy. Describe the type of occupancy for the proposed ARU (Guests, Family or Persons Working withing Teton County):
Rental Period. If the ARU is to be rented, identify the minimum lease period proposed for the tenant(s):
Outside Storage. Only vehicles used for daily travel may be stored outside. All other possessions belonging to the occupants of
an ARU shall be stored within an enclosed structure. Describe where the occupants will store possessions:
HOME OCCUPATION. If you are applying for a home occupation, please respond to the following standards found in Sec. 6.1.11.D
of the LDRs:
Type of Home Occupation. Describe the type of home occupation to be conducted on the property:
Floor Area Limitation. The area devoted to the home occupation including the area in accessory structures shall not exceed 25%
of the habitable floor area of the principal dwelling unit. Please identify the total floor area to be used for the home occupation
and the floor area of the primary dwelling unit:
Resident as Employee. A home occupation shall be operated by a person residing within the dwelling. Will a
resident be operating the home occupation?
No Additional Employees Permitted. No one residing off-site may be employed on the site of a home
occupation. Will residents of the dwelling be the only employees?
Class Size Limits. Tutoring and classes shall be limited to two students at one time. If you are proposing to hold
classes or tutoring sessions as part of your home occupation, please identify the maximum number of students
you will have at one time:
Parking. All parking shall be provided on-site, and shall be located to the rear of the structure or in another
location that is visually obtrusive. Please identify where parking for visitors of the home occupation shall occur:
No Window Display. There shall be no window display or other public display of material or merchandise
connected with the home occupation. Will you be displaying goods as part of your home occupation?
Signs. No more than one wall sign, not to exceed two square feet in area, shall be permitted. Are you proposing
any signage?
BUP Checklist 3 Effective 04/01/2015
TEMPORARY GRAVEL EXTRACTION. If you are applying for a temporary gravel extraction operation, please see the standards
found in Sec. 6.1.12.F of the LDRs and provide the following information:
Plans and Maps. Please submit two sets of legible 11” x 17” drawings and one set of 24” x 36” drawings. The maps
should include:
Existing Conditions Site Plan. Provide the following:
- Site boundaries and contiguous lands
- Watercourses lakes, streams, wetlands, ditches, etc.
- Floodplains
- Landslide or bedrock slum (talus and/or avalanche slopes
- Predominant soil types location and identification
- Vegetation cover location and species
- Stormwater drainage and/or natural drainage patterns (locations and dimensions)
- Utilities and other structures buildings and paved areas
- Site topographic map
Site Construction Plans. Provide the following in sufficient detail to describe the proposed operation:
- Land disturbing activities-locations and dimensions
- Temporary topsoil/dirt stockpile-location and dimensions
- Plans and sections of excavation features
- Location of processing equipment screening plants, crushers, batch plants, equipment trailers, etc.
- Engineering technique to minimize adverse effect of geologic or flood conditions
- Site storm water management and erosion control measures
- Road access plan plan, profile, and typical cross-sections of all new or modified roads. Cross-sections of
existing roads should also be provided.
- Project schedule/hours of operation
Reclamation Plan. Provide plans for the re-vegetation of the affected site area necessary for the stabilization of
all disturbed surfaces. Re-vegetation shall approximate the natural state including use of site-specific indigenous
seed mixtures. Information required shall include:
- Cross-sections of reclaimed site finished slopes, site preparation, topsoil placement, etc.
- Reclamation specifications details on the recommended plant materials (species names), application rates
and methods, use of fertilizers, use of mulch, soil stabilization materials, etc.
- Location of temporary and permanent water conveyance structures
Review by a Wildlife Biologist. All ponds constructed in Teton County must be for fire protection or wildlife habitat
enhancement purposes (Section 6.1.12.F.2.b.iv). All wildlife habitat enhancement ponds must adequately demonstrate
that the project indeed enhances wildlife habitat. The pond design shall be reviewed at the applicant’s expense by a
wildlife biologist or by Wyoming Game and Fish; and the applicant shall provide evidence of the review in the form of a
report or letter which shall be submitted with this application.
Airport Resolution. Identify the ponds distance from the Jackson Hole Airport runway.
Planning & Development Department
Planning Division
200 S. Willow St.
P.O. Box 1727
Jackson, WY 83001
ph: (307) 733-3959
fax: (307) 739-9208
If a proposed development program is required as part of an application, it should be
submitted as a table, in the following format.
Area Calculations. Please complete for each affected lot or parcel.
Base Site Area
Adjusted Site Area
Gross Site Area
Land within road easements and rights-of-way
Land within existing vehicular access easements
Land between levees or banks of rivers and streams
Lakes or ponds > 1 acre
Land previously committed as open space in accordance
with these or prior LDRs
50% of lands with slopes greater than 25%
Calculated Totals
Development Calculations. Please complete for each structure or use.
LDR Standard
Number of units or density
Floor area (by use if applicable)
FAR or maximum floor area
Site Development
Landscape Surface Ratio
Front or street yard
Rear yard
Side yard
Side yard
Planning & Development Department
Planning Division
200 S. Willow St.
P.O. Box 1727
Jackson, WY 83001
ph: (307) 733-3959
fax: (307) 739-9208
GENERAL STANDARDS. When a site plan is required as part of an application submittal, it should adhere to the following general
1. Page Size. Site plans should
be on 24 x 36 inch paper. Larger page sizes require prior approval of the Planning or Building
2. Scale. All site plan elements should be drawn to an accepted engineering scale that allows review of the proposal. A scale
bar depicting the chosen scale should be included on the site plan.
3. Title Block. The site plan should contain a title block indicating the owner’s name, designer or engineer’s name, date of
the drawing, date of any revisions or alterations of the drawing, sheet or page number, and a description of the work
4. North Arrow. A north arrow should be provided on the site plan.
5. Legend. The site plan should include a legend describing any lines, symbols, or shading used on the site plan.
INFORMATION TO BE DEPICTED. A site plan should depict the following information.
1. Boundaries of the entire property
2. All existing and proposed easements (road, driveway, utility, etc.)
3. Adjacent streets, roads, and public improvements
4. Existing and proposed access driveways and parking areas
5. Location of existing and proposed structures
6. Dimensioned setbacks from property lines, rights-of-way and protected natural resources
7. Grade or contour lines for areas of slope greater than 5%
8. Locations of wells, septic systems, leach fields, sewer lines and other existing and proposed utilities
9. Snow storage areas
10. Required landscaping
11. Existing and proposed fencing
Flexibility of Requirements.
Planning, Building or Engineering staff may waive or alter requirements for information to be
depicted on a site plan to suit the specifics of an application, particularly for uses proposed within existing physical development
where a more conceptual site plan may be sufficient.