Plans and Maps. Please submit two sets of legible 11” x 17” drawings and one set of 24” x 36” drawings. The maps
should include:
Existing Conditions Site Plan. Provide the following:
- Site boundaries and contiguous lands
- Watercourses – lakes, streams, wetlands, ditches, etc.
- Floodplains
- Landslide or bedrock slum (talus and/or avalanche slopes
- Predominant soil types – location and identification
- Vegetation cover – location and species
- Stormwater drainage and/or natural drainage patterns (locations and dimensions)
- Utilities and other structures – buildings and paved areas
- Site topographic map
Site Construction Plans. Provide the following in sufficient detail to describe the proposed operation:
- Land disturbing activities-locations and dimensions
- Temporary topsoil/dirt stockpile-location and dimensions
- Plans and sections of excavation features
- Location of processing equipment – screening plants, crushers, batch plants, equipment trailers, etc.
- Engineering technique to minimize adverse effect of geologic or flood conditions
- Site storm water management and erosion control measures
- Road access plan – plan, profile, and typical cross-sections of all new or modified roads. Cross-sections of
existing roads should also be provided.
- Project schedule/hours of operation
Reclamation Plan. Provide plans for the re-vegetation of the affected site area necessary for the stabilization of
all disturbed surfaces. Re-vegetation shall approximate the natural state including use of site-specific indigenous
seed mixtures. Information required shall include:
- Cross-sections of reclaimed site – finished slopes, site preparation, topsoil placement, etc.
- Reclamation specifications – details on the recommended plant materials (species names), application rates
and methods, use of fertilizers, use of mulch, soil stabilization materials, etc.
- Location of temporary and permanent water conveyance structures
Review by a Wildlife Biologist. All ponds constructed in Teton County must be for fire protection or wildlife habitat
enhancement purposes (Section 6.1.12.F.2.b.iv). All wildlife habitat enhancement ponds must adequately demonstrate
that the project indeed enhances wildlife habitat. The pond design shall be reviewed at the applicant’s expense by a
wildlife biologist or by Wyoming Game and Fish; and the applicant shall provide evidence of the review in the form of a
report or letter which shall be submitted with this application.
Airport Resolution. Identify the pond’s distance from the Jackson Hole Airport runway.