7. Type of business (check all that apply):
q Bar/Tavern q Private/Fraternal club q Exotic dancing/Strip club q Off-premises caterer*
q Nightclub q Country club q Casino q Restaurant
q Bowling alley q Banquet hall* q Pool/Billiard hall
q Concessionaire* (describe venue): _______________________________________________________________________________________
q Convenience/Liquor store/Retail store (if operations are 100% retail with no on-premises consumption of alcohol, questions
15-19 and 21-22 are not applicable)
q Other (describe): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
*If type of business is a banquet hall, concessionaire or off-premises caterer, attach a completed Catering Plus Supplemental Liquor
Liability Application, form CP APP, to this submission.
8. Gross annual receipts: If applicant has more than one operation or sells alcoholic beverages for on and off premises
consumption at same location, provide breakdown of receipts by operation:
Bar/Lounge Restaurant Banquet Retail Sales Other
FOOD $ ________________ $ _______________ $ _____________ $ ______________ $ _____________
ALCOHOL $ ________________ $ _______________ $ _____________ $ ______________ $ _____________
OTHER (describe) $ ________________ $ _______________ $ _____________ $ ______________ $ _____________
9. Does applicant have a valid liquor license? q Yes q No
10. Has the applicant or any principal with a controlling interest in the applicant filed for bankruptcy in
the last 12 months? q Yes q No
11. Are employees or other persons permitted to consume alcohol during their hours of employment
or service? q Yes q No
12. Are all alcohol-servers certified in a Formal Alcohol Training Course not mandated by the state? q Yes* q No
*If “Yes,” provide name of the course: _______________________________________________________________________________________
To be considered for a credit on your quote, please attach copies of the certificates to this application.
Note: The course must be one approved by company.
13. Violations: Does the applicant have knowledge of any fines or citations for violation of law or ordinance related to illegal
activities or the sale of alcohol at this location within the past five years? q Yes* q No
*If “Yes,” provide the following information on each fine or citation:
Date(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Description(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Measures in place to prevent future violations: _______________________________________________________________________________
14. Claims: Has the applicant had any reported liquor liability and/or assault and battery claims or notification of potential
liquor liability and/or assault and battery claims within the past five years? q Yes* q No
*If “Yes,” provide the following information on each claim: _____________________________________________________________________
Date(s): __________________________________ Description(s): ________________________________________________________________
Total incurred losses (reserves and payments): _____________________________ Status(open or closed): ___________________________
Measures in place to prevent future incidents: ________________________________________________________________________________
15. Does applicant permit “BYOB” (bring your own bottle), bottle service or setups? q Yes* q No
*If “Yes,” explain: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
16. Does applicant feature any entertainment? q Yes* q No
*If Yes: Major Entertainment (check all that apply):
q Adult entertainment/Exotic dancing q Dance hall q DJ with dancing
q Band (three or more members, excluding jazz bands) q Dueling piano bar q Outdoor concerts
q Other (describe): ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number of: _____________________________________ times per week OR ___________________________________ times per year
Incidental entertainment (check all that apply):
q Comedy shows q DJ without dancing q Karaoke q Jazz musicians q Jukebox
q Mariachi band q Solo vocalist
q Other (describe): ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number of: _____________________________________ times per week OR ___________________________________ times per year
17. Are facilities available for banquets, receptions or private affairs? q Yes q No
a. Number of: _________________________________________ times per week OR ___________________________________ times per year
b. Are only the applicant and its authorized employees or members permitted to serve alcohol at all events where
alcohol is present?* q Yes q No*
*If “No,” are persons serving alcohol who are not applicant’s authorized employees or members required to carry
liquor liability insurance with limits greater than or equal to limits covered under applicant’s liquor policy? q Yes q No
18. Is banquet entertainment provided by applicant or lessees? q Yes q No
a. Number of: _________________________________________ times per week OR ___________________________________ times per year
BRPA 7/11 - United States Liability Insurance Group
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