User Information
Last Name First Name
Banner ID
Brio ID
Department Title
Approve and Acknowledge Time and Exception Time
Approve EPAF Initiate EPAF
Banner Time Entry (HR_TIME_ENTRY)
Banner Time Entry (HR_DEPT_APPROVER)
User's Signature Date
Director's Signature Date
Director Approval
Last Name First Name
Banner ID Brio ID
Department Title
As an employee of New Mexico Tech, I am aware that the data and material to which I may have access are
to be treated in a professional and confidential manner. I agree herein, as a consideration of my employment,
that I will not disclose or cause to be disclosed any confidential information gained in the course of my
employment. I am aware that any breach of the confidentiality of this material or any abuse of my position,
including but not limited to alteration of records, destruction of records or other similar acts, may result in
disciplinary action or constitute a basis for termination of employment. I understand there is mandatory
Above is the proxy appointed to act on my behalf when creating EPAFs, approving time, and approving
exception time, with access to HR data in Banner. Proxies are authorized to approve in the absence of the
original approver, but does not relieve the approver of their assigned responsibilities.
Banner Payroll Forms
Banner Web Proxy Approval Access Form
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit