La st Name
Fir st N ame M iddle Name
Course Information
Term/Year Subject
Course #
Credit Hours
Advisory Committee Approval:
TO: College of Graduate Studies
Director of Doctoral Studies or Dean of College ___________________________________________________
Department Chair ______________________________________________________________________
Banking Courses for Ed.S program:
If a student lacks not more than 12 semester credits on the master’s degree, the student may accumulate a maximum of nine (9)
semester credits to be counted toward the Ed. S. degree provided the student (i) has been approved for tentative Ed. S. admission,
(ii) has a departmentally approved program of study, and (iii) fulfills all requirements for the master’s degree within two (2)
consecutive semesters.
College of Graduate Studies: ______________________________________ Date _________________
Current Degree Program: __________
Banking Courses for Ph.D program:
If the student lacks no more than 12 semester hours on the Ed.S or Master’s degree, he/she may accumulate a maximum of
nine (9) semester hours which may be applied toward the Ph.D. When this is the case, the student’s advisory committee
must initiate approval with consensus of the departmental chairperson, dean of the college, and the College of Graduate
Sometimes a Master's/Ed.S-level student takes more graduate-level courses than are required for the degree because the student is
expecting to continue on to a Ed.
S or Ph.D. program and hopes to use the extra courses to satisfy the Ed.S or Ph.D. coursework
requirement. When this is the case, the student can request when registering for the course(s) that the course(s) be “banked” for the
Ed.S or Ph.D. program. Banked courses then show up on the student’s transcript as courses taken for the Ed.S or Ph.D. rather than
being shown as a part of his/her Masters/Ed.S program. Banking courses does not guarantee admission to the Ed.S or Ph.D. program,
or, if admitted, that the student’s Ed.S or Ph.D. advisory committee will approve the course as part of the student’s Ed.S or Ph.D.
program of study.
Credit used to satisfy the requirements of one (1) degree cannot be used to satisfy the requirements of another degree.