Bank and building society accounts and
National Savings and Investments
Schedule IHT406
When to use this form
Fill in this form to tell us about any bank or building society
accounts that the deceased held in their sole name and were in
credit at the date of death including National Savings
Investments and Premium Bonds. Do not include any:
accounts the deceased owned jointly with another
person or people include these on form
IHT404, Jointly owned assets
accounts the deceased owned that were also assets of a
business enter these on form IHT413, ‘Business and
partnership interests and assets’
accounts that were overdrawn at the date of death show
these as liabilities at box 82 on form IHT400
If there is not enough space on pages 1 and 2, please fill in
another copy of this form. If you have filled in inventory form
C1 (Scotland only) you need only enter the total figure for all
bank accounts in box 52, form IHT400.
Name of deceased
Date of death DD MM YYYY
Inheritance Tax reference number (if known)
For information or help or another copy of this form:
go to www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax
phone our helpline on 0300 123 1072 if calling from
outside the UK, phone +44 300 123 1072
Bank and building society accounts sole accounts
Bank and building society account details for sole accounts only, including cash ISAs. Give details of joint accounts on
form IHT404, Jointly owned assets’. List National Savings Accounts at box 2.
Copy this amount to
form IHT400, box 52
Name of bank or building society Account number/roll
or reference number
Amount held,
including interest ,
at date of death
IHT406 Page 1 HMRC 09/15
National Savings Accounts
Type of account
(for example, Investment, Direct ISA)
Account number
Amount held,
including interest,
at date of death
Premium Bonds
Holder number Bond number Bond value
at date of death
Value of any unclaimed
or uncashed prizes
A + B
Other National Savings and Investments products
Name of product
(for example, savings certificates,
income bonds)
Certificate number
Amount including
interest at
date of death
Total National Savings and Investments (box 2 + box 3 + box 4)
Copy this amount to
form IHT400, box 54
IHT406 Page 2