State of California Department of Insurance
Background Information Change Disclosure Form
Licensing Background Bureau
LIC #2557B (Rev 11/10)
Section C: Important information for licensees who are endorsees under Business Entity
licenses or Applications: If the background change reported by you involves you and you are an
endorsee on a business entity license, then you must also provide this background change notice to
any officer, director, or partner listed on that business entity license within 30 days of learning of the
background change (CIC 1729.2 [b]).
If you are an endorsee, please check this box (C) to certify that you have notified the business
entity license holder for which you are named as an endorsee and provide the date of the
Box C I certify that I have also notified the business entity license holder for which I am named as
an endorsee on of the background changes I have noted in box(s) 1, 2, 3, 4
or 5 above. (date)
Name of Person Reported to:
Name and Address of Business Entity:
Business Entity License #:
Important information for business entity licensees or applicants: If the background change
matter being reported by you involves any unlicensed officer, director, partner, member, endorsee,
10% or greater shareholder, or any controlling person (as defined in Insurance Code Section
1668.5(b)) of the organization, then an officer, director, partner, member, or controlling person, (as
defined in 1668.5(b)) must also report the background change involving the unlicensed person.
Section D: Please check this box (D) below only if you are notifying the Commissioner of a
background change on behalf of a business entity license involving an unlicensed officer, director,
partner, endorsee, 10% or greater shareholder or any controlling person (as defined insurance code
section 1668.5[b]).
Box D I certify that I am an officer, director or controlling person of an organization and I am
notifying the Commissioner that an unlicensed officer director, partner, member, endorsee, 10% or
greater shareholder, or any other controlling person as defined in Insurance Code Section 1668.5 has
had a change in background information as per CIC 1729.2). I have noted the background changes
being reported in box 1, 2. 3, 4, or 5 above
Provide Name of Unlicensed Officer, Director, Partner, Member, Endorsee, 10% or Greater
Shareholder, or any other Controlling person as defined in CIC 1668.5.
Name of unlicensed person:
Name and address of business entity:
Business Entity License #: Telephone: ( )
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