Revised 08/2017 Page 1 of 2
Billings County Courthouse; 495 4
PO Box 247, Medora, ND 58645
Building Department & Inspections
Phone 701-260-5373
Permit No: ______________
Plans shall include:
1. (2) Sets of plans to scale, (1/4" or 1/8"). Plans must list total square footage of finished and unfinished space for every level and garage. They must also list
square footage for decks, porches and entry ways. Plan must also show exterior elevations, including all sides of building and all openings in walls
such as doors and windows.
2. A site plan containing the legal description, site address, and name of builder. The site plan must also show the proposed building footprint including distances to
property lines, streets, roads, alleys, and easements. It must also include lot dimensions, lot square footage, driveway location and location of existing street light
poles, junction boxes, hydrants, storm inlets, and utility boxes in the lot, boulevard or curb. The plot plan must be completed and stamped and signed by a
Registered Land Surveyor.
Other Submittal Requirements:
1. A road approach permit must be submitted.
2. The address of the property must be recorded.
3. Provide a copy of an approved Septic Permit.
4. Please see the Residential or Commercial Plan Submittal Requirements for additional materials to include with the Building Permit Application.
ND Contractor License Number:
2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Check all that apply)
Description of Proposed Work: