G.E. Requirement: 51 semester units minimum to
include 12 upper-division semester units.
Electricity and Electronics
Ind Computer Concepts+Apps
Energy Conversion and Utilization
12 semester units minimum including 3 upper division.
One course is required in each sub area.
Design & Documentation Systems
Physical Science: Phys 2A required
Intro to General Chemistry
12 semester units minimum including 3 units upper division.
Industrial Safety Management
Select one course from C1, C2, and IC plus one additional
course from either C1 or C2.
International Quality Standards
One Additional Course from C1 or C2
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
15 semester units minimum including 6 units upper
division. One course is required in each sub-area.
Consult department advisors to develop.
Social Science: IT 20 required
Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development
Students must pass the upper-division writing exam or complete IT 198W
with a grade of “C” or higher (to be taken no sooner than the term in which
* Area A2 (Engl 1) must be completed before enrolling in area C
* Area B4 (Quantitative Methods) must be completed before
enrolling in a Breadth B1 course.
GE (51); Major (53); Electives (15)
* All of Foundation (A1, A2, A3 and B4) must be completed
before enrolling in any upper division GE course.
Total Units for BSIT = 120