LDD108 (May 9, 2008) Revised December 11, 2019
Project Information
Project Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Site Plan/Subdivision/Unpaved Road/Right-of-Way Number ______________________________________
Applicant Name __________________________________________________________________________
Proposed Site Infrastructure Construction
Site construction costs shall include, but not be limited to, clearing, demolition, grading, paving, drainage,
lighting, landscaping, traffic control, parking, sidewalks, erosion controls, fencing, and other site
improvements as determined by the County. On site water, sewer, and reuse utility lines should not be
included in these costs.
A. Onsite Improvements
1. Minor Site Plans
Construction Costs less than $20,000 $400 $______________
Each additional phase $200 $______________
2. Site Plans
If Construction costs are less than $20,000 $400 $______________
If Construction costs are $20,001 and above, use below
2% of the cost up to $500,000 $______________
1.5% of the cost between $500,001 to $1,000,000 $______________
1% of the cost over $1,000,001 $______________
Each additional phase $300 $______________
3. Subdivisions (Onsite construction costs), Unpaved Roads and Right-of-Ways/Easements
2.5% of the cost up to $500,000 $______________
2% of the cost between $500,001 to $1,000,000 $______________
1% of the cost over $1,000,001 $______________
LDD108 (May 9, 2008) Revised December 11, 2019
B. Offsite Improvements
* Projects that have offsite construction costs above $200,000 shall refer to Section A-2 above for the fee
Storm Sewer Construction $200 $______________
Stormwater Discharge $500 $______________
Sidewalk Construction (Improvements in R/W) $250 $______________
Commercial Driveway Connection
(Temporary, per each connection) _______ x $500 = $______________
(Permanent, per each connection) _______ x $750 = $______________
Roadway/Intersection improvements
(turn lanes and signals, misc. median work) _______ x $1,000 = $______________
Right-of-Way Utilization Fee
(No linear footage) $200 $______________
(underground or aerial = $125 + $.30 per foot) $125 + (_____ x $.30) = $______________
Paved Road Open Cut, (per cut) _______ x $1,200 = $______________
Directional Bore/ All approved tunnel methods (each) _______ x $500 = $______________
Utility Open Pits (including short side service connections) _______ x $150 = $______________
Total Fees $____________
*This form shall be submitted with your signed and sealed Engineer’s Cost Estimate that was reviewed and
approved by Public Works Engineering. *
All fees are required to be submitted simultaneously with approved engineering plans for site plans,
subdivisions, and unpaved roads prior to approval or permitting of improvements. Subsequent changes to the
approved site plan or subdivision plan could result in additional fees.
Signature of Applicant _____________________________________ Date ____________________________