Phone (321) 633-1951 ● Fax (321) 633-1958
Website: BrevardCounty.us
Housing and Human Services
Community Action Agency
400 S. Varr Avenue
Cocoa, Florida 32922
The following disclosure is being made pursuant to Section 119.071(5), Florida Statutes.
Social Security numbers of applicants and household members are requested because this information has been
determined to be imperative for the performance of the duties and responsibilities prescribed by law under the
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. This information is not required by state or federal law; however,
Social Security numbers are necessary to determine eligibility for program services and specifically for the following
1. To verify an applicant’s identity.
2. To verify household size.
3. To verify household income.
A Social Security number collected pursuant to this notice can only be used by the Florida Department of Economic
Opportunity and the Brevard County Housing and Human Services/Community Action Agency for the purposes
specified above.
Nondisclosure except under limited circumstances. Social Security numbers will not be disclosed to others unless
required or authorized by Florida Law. Section 119.071(5), Florida Statutes, allows disclosure of a person’s Social
Security number under the following specific, limited circumstances:
• If disclosure is expressly required by federal or Florida Law or is necessary for the agency o
overnmental entity to perform its duties and responsibilities;
• If the individual expressly consents to disclosure in writing;
• If disclosure is made to prevent and combat terrorism pursuant to the U.S. Patriot Act of 2001 or
Presidential Executive Order 13224 (blocking property and prohibiting business transactions with
persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism);
• For an agency employee and dependents, if disclosure is necessary to administer the person’s
health benefits or pension plan funds; or
• If disclosure is for the purpose of the administration of the Uniform Commercial Code by the office
of the Secretary of State.
• If disclosure is requested by a commercial entity for permissible uses under the federal Driver’s
Privacy Protection Act of 1994, the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, or the federal Financ
Services Modernization Act of 1999 (for example, to verify the accuracy of personal information
provided by the individual to the commercial entity; use by an insurer in connection with claims
investigation or anti-fraud activities; for use in connection with a credit transaction.)
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice
I confirm that I have been provided a copy of this notice regarding the collection of my Social Security number and
the Social Security numbers of all household occupants as part of the application process for the Low Income Home
Energy Assistance Program.
__________________________________________ ______________________________
Applicant’s Signature Date