BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER________________________________________
LAND CLEARING Land Clearing means the removal or cutting down of vegetation, including
trees, root-raking on any site, parcel or lot. This does not include allowable mowing, trimming
or pruning so as to maintain vegetation in a healthy, viable condition. Check to Acknowledge:
1. Will any trees be removed?
2. Will any shrubs, small trees under 4 feet tall or palmetto be removed?
3. Will any type of root raking be required?
Unless specifically exempted by Section 62-4334, a permit shall be required prior to any land
clearing activities. Land clearing of native vegetation is not permitted in wetlands,
surface water protection buffer or waterward of the Brevard County Coastal Setback Line. Please contact
this office prior to clearing non-native vegetation in these sensitive areas, as proper procedures should
be observed. Check to acknowledge:
Landscape Requirements
All Landscaping shall comply with Chapter 62, Article XIII, Division 2 Code of Ordinances of Brevard
County, Florida, relating to Landscaping, Land Clearing and Tree Protection.
All Permits
Permits MUST show the Area of Alteration on the survey. The area of alteration is any area that is cut,
cleared, disturbed, graded or filled. Any area of alteration one acre or more must obtain a National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) Permit from the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (407-897-4100).
All Permits
Permits that show preserved trees must provide details on Root Protection Zones during construction.
All Permits
Depending on the size of your property, canopy coverage and mandatory
preservation may be required
pursuant to Brevard County Code Section 62-4339. Tree size is determined by Diameter at Breast Height
(DBH). Requirements are as follows:
Parcels 1.25 Acres or Less
Show area of alteration, silt fence and indicate any trees to be preserved.
Parcels 1.26 to 2.5 Acres
Show area of alteration, silt fence, provide tree survey, indicate any trees or vegetation to be preserved
and show all specimen trees (24-inch DBH or greater) on survey. Natural Resources will perform a site
inspection before permit is issued.
Parcels 2.6 or Greater
Show area of alteration, silt fence, provide tree survey, indicate any trees or vegetation to be preserved,
show all protected trees (10-inch D.B.H. or greater) and provide canopy calculations. Natural
Resources will perform a site inspection before permit is issued.
Additional Information
Tree survey should include size (diameter at breast height) and species of trees. A landscape
plan may be
required on residential projects when replacement trees must be planted. For single-family residential
lots; eight feet tall, one-inch minimum caliper, and three-foot spread trees may be substituted on a 3 to 1
basis for each required large species tree. Palms may only be
used to satisfy up to twenty-five percent of
the required landscaping unless barrier island conditions prohibit the use of less salt-tolerant plants.
Invasive Plant Removal
Pursuant to Brevard County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 62, Section 62-4341 (15) Prior to the
issuance of
the Certificate of Occupancy all Non-Native Invasive Plants, as defined in this Division, shall be removed.
After the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy the re-growth of Non-Native Invasive Plants shall be
controlled in perpetuity. Australian pine may be retained on site with a waiver from the Director if
maintained at its current extent.
Please check the box to acknowledge that you have read and understood the above information:
I, the undersigned, hereby understand and agree that pursuant to Brevard County Code of Ordinances,
Chapter 62, Article XIII, Division 2, that No Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion shall
be issued by the County without full satisfaction of the landscape requirements to include the removal
of all non-native invasive plants in accordance with the approved Development Order:
Contractor/Owner Date
before me this day of _, 20
Signature of Notary Public
Commission Expires: Stamp: