Date and Time of meal:
Meal Location:
Purchaser Signature:
Forward to the College V.P. for Business and Finance any receipt that includes alcohol.
Business Purpose (detailed):
Attendees (include affiliation):
The college may pay or reimburse properly documented meals whose primary purpose is a business discussion. To qualify as a
business meal under this policy, the attendees must include at least one non-college employee whose presence is necessary to the
business discussion. Meetings attended solely by college employees and gatherings that are primarily social in nature do not qualify
for payment or reimbursement as business meals. However, food may be provided at meetings of college employees on an
occasional basis. Expenses may be incurred only for those individuals whose presence is necessary to the business discussion. The
college will not pay or reimburse business meal expenses that lack documentation or a clear business purpose (please refer to the
complete policy for more information).
IRS rules on substantiation of business expenses require the following documentation:
a. Original, itemized receipt
b. Time, date, and place of meal
c. Business purpose
d. List of attendees and their affiliation
BMCC - College Business Meal Form
Restaurant Name:
Attach formal agenda (required for employee only business meals).
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