Please answer the following questions:
Note: All questions must be answered. Food Service License will not be issued for incomplete applications.
1. Using Menu Sheet (Attachment 1) list all foods and beverages that will be served. Indicate where food
will be made or purchased. (Note: Ice is considered a food)
2. Submit a diagram showing the layout of the food event (Attachment 2). Show work tables/counters;
cooking and hot holding equipment; coolers/refrigeration; hand washing stations; sinks; customer service
table/counter, beverage station, dessert station, etc.
3. Will all foods be prepared at this food service event site? Yes No
If answered “No”, the facility used must be a licensed commercially inspected kitchen and the appropriate
Health Department License must be attached. Also, describe how food will be protected during
transportation and how product temperatures will be maintained (exempt status for CT Farmers).
4. Will any foods be prepared ahead of time? List food item(s) and details of preparation - when; where;
how cooled; how reheated, etc. Please note that preparing food ahead of time may not be allowed.
5. Describe how temperatures of both hot and cold foods will be maintained and monitored during the event
(include equipment, etc.).
6. Describe how food will be stored at the event (minimum of 12 inches off the ground.
7. Describe where and how cleaning and sanitizing of utensils, cutting boards, and other food contact
surfaces will take place. Also, describe provisions for backup utensils (sanitized test strips must be
available/used based on type of sanitizer used).
8. Describe how food items will be protected from public exposure (sneezing, coughing, touching, etc.) and
outdoor elements (flies, dust, etc.)
9. Employee/Volunteer list (Attachment 3) is to be completed at the end of the event and returned to Bethel
Health Department. This List is useful if a problem occurs.