Title of Program Curriculum: _____________________________________________________
Name of Sponsoring Organization: ________________________________________________
Number of Course Hours: _______________________________________________________
Program’s Delivery Method: _____________________________________________________
Training Provider Matrix
The development of the coaching training curriculum should foster learning with
conceptual understanding, applicable skills, and baseline knowledge of each of the
Board Certified Coach (BCC) Core Competencies. Find below the required content for
your curriculum to meet the minimum requirements for a BCC credential.
All items are required to be submitted for curriculum review. The curriculum will not be
reviewed until all items are submitted.
Review of the curriculum does not guarantee approval. After the review, if changes to
the curriculum are required, CCE will send an email informing you what areas require
All curriculum materials and the application form should be emailed to
Required Checklist
Overview of the BCC training
Learning objectives
In-text citations to materials not authored by training organization
Reference list
Location List of Skills within the Content
Location List of Knowledge Area within the Content
Thirty contact hours of training
Sixty contact hours of training
One hundred twenty contact hours of training
An assessment of trainee’s understanding of presented material
Each core competency is required to be fully integrated into the curriculum.
Curriculum Location
(Page/Slide/Module #)
Dedicated Content
Ethics and Regulatory Guidelines
Coaching Knowledge and
Practice Management
Curriculum Location
(Page/Slide/Module #)
Dedicated Content
Fundamentals Coaching
Slide 2-10
Board Certified Coach Examination (BCCE) Domains
Training providers should develop curricula that provides individuals with an overall
understanding and basic knowledge of the profession of coaching. CCE does not
recommend that training providers create curricula for the sole purpose of BCCE
If your program contains BCCE domain coverage, please identify the location of the
domains and the dedicated content percentage.
1. Ethical and Regulatory Guidelines
Location in
Module No. )
2. Coaching Knowledge and Applications
Location in
Module No. )
A. Use silence
B. Use mirroring
C. Ask affective questions
D. Use the linking process
E. Ask analytical questions
F. Use challenging statements or questions
G. Use/model effective nonverbal communication
H. Use paraphrasing
I. Use summarizing
J. Ask clarifying questions
K. Ask connecting questions
L. Ask probing questions
M. Interpret nonverbal communication
N. Ask exploratory questions
O. Ask reflective questions
P. Use empathy
Q. Use open-ended questions as a method of investigation
R. Provide encouragement
S. Use active listening
T. Demonstrate compassion
U. Use ambiguity
V. Use metaphors
W. Assist coachee to adapt and modify coachee’s belief and value
systems to achieve goals
X. Modify the coaching process based on any issue that influences the
coachee’s goals
Y. Use humor
Z. Use reframing
AA. Challenge coachee to test assumptions and biases
AB. Use appropriate reinforcement techniques throughout the helping process
AC. Assist coachee in understanding belief and value systems that impact goals
AD. Exhibit curiosity
AE. Assist coachee in understanding their current perspective (framing)
AF. Assist coachee in gaining new perspective (framing)
AG. Recognize culturally sensitive communication
AH. Assist coachee in understanding balance of life roles in careers
AI. Discuss worklife balance with coachee
AJ. Model self-disclosure
AK. Coordinate coaching plan with other service providers
AL. Offer insight
AM. Promote effective decision-making
AN. Explore ideas
AO. Assist the coachee in role transitions
AP. Assist coachee in building skills
AQ. Assist coachee in building confidence
AR. Facilitate coachee development of decision-making skills
AS. Assist coachee with managing conflict
AT. Foster effective communication
AU. Provide candid and clear feedback
AV. Provide coaching via distance technologies
AW. Co-create a comprehensive coaching plan
AX. Facilitate coachee use of information resources in coaching
AY. Assist the coachee in locating relevant information and resources
AZ. Co-develop a coachee’s goal regarding whether it is conceivable, believable,
achievable, measurable, and desirable, given a coachee case
BA. Clarify coachee barriers related to decision making
BB. Assist the coachee in understanding the potential risks in decision-making and
strategies to minimize risks
BC. Assist the coachee in identifying, developing, and using appropriate support
BD. Clarify coachee barriers related to goals
BE. Create coachee accountability plan
BF. Assist the coachee in setting short- and long-term goals
BG. Assist coachee in creating a personal action plan
BH. Assist the coachee in identifying potential strategies for meeting goals
BI. Assist the coachee in clarifying goal(s)
BJ. Accommodate coachee’s communication needs when possible
BK. Facilitate communications with coachees having limited language proficiency
and provide referrals when necessary
BL. Affirm the coachee’s autonomy
BM. Facilitate coachee access to additional services and resources
BN. Facilitate coachee’s self-coaching skills
BO. Support the coachee’s development of sustainable plan post-coaching
BP. Maintain a non-judgmental approach in the coaching process
BQ. Maintain honest and straightforward communication
BR. Assist the coachee in moving from awareness to action
BS. Provide acknowledgment
BT. Gain permission before challenging
BU. Assist coachee in identifying relevant life experiences
BV. Model the acceptance of a challenge
BW. Encourage reevaluation of goals
BX. Model creativity
BY. Challenge coachee to move beyond their comfort zone
BZ. Demonstrate flexibility in coachee goal revision
CA. Use immediate interactions to advance the coaching process
CB. Model self-awareness
CC. Model acceptance
CD. Facilitate openness
CE. Model effective interpersonal communication
CF. Assist the coachee in taking action based on data
CG. Discuss coachee’s progress toward accomplishing goals
CH. Provide peer coaching when appropriate
CI. Generate possibilities and brainstorm
3. Assessment
Location in
Module No. )
A. Recognize when coachee needs a referral for other professional services
B. Clarify coachee’s current use of alcohol and/or other substances
C. Identify alternative coaching approaches for coachees with special needs
D. Identify any sexual orientation factors that could influence the coaching process
E. Identify multicultural issues that could influence coachee goals
F. Identify learning issues that could influence coachee goals
G. Identify any racial factors that could influence the coaching process
H. Identify health issues that could influence coachee goals
I. Identify potential for coachee to harm self and/or others
J. Identify any gender factors that could influence the coaching process
K. Identify any spiritual factors that could influence the coaching process
L. Identify any multicultural factors that could influence the coaching process
M. Identify other issues that could influence coachee goals
N. Identify any health factors that could influence the coaching process
O. Identify any developmental factors that could influence the coaching process
P. Identify relationship issues that could influence coachee goals
Q. Identify any other issues/factors that could influence the coaching process
R. Identify behavioral issues that could influence coachee goals
S. Explore differences in organizational environments
T. Clarify coachee attitudes toward work and workers
U. Clarify coachee decision-making processes
V. Identify coachee’s preferred processes for meeting goals
W. Clarify coachee personal parameters (e.g., values, beliefs, needs, interests,
tendencies) related to choices and alternatives
X. Assess coachee strengths related to goals
Y. Identify coachee readiness for coaching
Z. Monitor coachee progress toward goal attainment
AA. Monitor coachee progress in coaching
AB. Identify any past coachee experience with helping services
AC. Observe coachee behaviors in the moment
AD. Use various assessment strategies appropriate to the coaching process
AE. Use available coachee data in support of the assessment process
AF. Use various assessment strategies appropriate to the goals of the coachee
AG. Assist the coachee in interpreting assessment results
AH. Assess the culture of coachee’s environment
AI. Assess coaching outcomes
Location in
Module No. )
A. Integrate appropriate coaching theories, strategies, and models in
assisting the coachee
B. Seek supervision as needed
C. Correspond as needed with coachee
D. Advocate for the practice of coaching
E. Be aware of different modalities of delivering coaching services
F. Seek mentoring as needed
G. Promote awareness of coaching
H. Collaborate with coachee on appropriate termination
I. Consult with other professionals when appropriate
J. Self-assess strengths, development gaps, and limitations as a coach
K. Maintain a referral network
L. Identify any personal barriers to coaching effectiveness
M. Assess individual effectiveness as a coach
N. Use coaching-related research
O. Maintain needed knowledge and skills with continuing education
P. Conduct post-coaching follow-up activities, including evaluation of services
Q. Clarify roles and responsibilities with any sponsor as appropriate
R. Prepare an estimated timeline for coaching services
S. Seek feedback from coachee regarding coaching process
Training Provider Ethics Attestation
I attest that I understand the CCE Approved Training Provider Program and Requirements, and
that the curriculum provided in this application and the attachments are original works and
complete. If approved as an Approved Training Provider, I will adhere to the CCE Code of
Ethics that applies to Board Certified Coaches.
e ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________
4. P
ractice Management