2Board Certied Coach–Reinstatement
Updated July 2020
BCC applicants and credential holders are responsible for ensuring that their behavior adheres to the standards identied
in the BCC Code of Ethics.
Whether you are an applicant or credential holder, you are required to disclose any of the following types of matters:
• Criminal charge (Note: You do not need to disclose trac charges unless they involve drugs or alcohol or injury
to person or property.)
• Legal action related to business or occupational activities in which you are named as a defendant
• Grievance by any government entity or professional organization
• Employment termination due to conduct
• Probation or removal from any graduate program for reasons unrelated to grades
Written disclosures must be received within 60 days of you becoming aware of the required disclosure, unless you are an
applicant and are disclosing a previously concluded matter. In such cases, the disclosure and required documentation must
be submitted with your application
The BCC certication is valid for ve years as long as you comply with CCE policies and procedures. As a BCC
certicant, you are required to adhere to ethical standards, pay annual maintenance fees and recertify after ve years.
Annual maintenance fee: Currently $40
You will receive an annual maintenance fee notice approximately six weeks before the certication anniversary date. If
you have any concerns about your invoice, please contact CCE. Please be sure to pay the annual maintenance fee by the
due date in order to maintain active status.
To reinstate your inactive or expired BCC certication, you will need to take the following steps:
• Submit a reinstatement application
• Pay the BCC reinstatement fee (currently $50)
• Pay any past-due fees
• Document 70 hours of continuing education (if expired)
• Accept and sign the Ethics Attestation and Applicant Agreement & Release Authorization
Recertication is necessary every ve years to maintain your certication. The recertication process and its components
are described below:
• BCCs must complete 70 continuing education hours within the BCC competency areas, including a minimum
of four clock hours in ethics. If you hold a specialty designation, at least 10 of the 70 hours must be specic to
each specialty designation held. You may be required to provide copies of certicates of attendance and other
documentation of continuing education.
• Recertication notices and instructions are mailed in conjunction with the annual maintenance fee. Please see the
annual maintenance fee information above for details.
• You must accept and sign the Ethics Attestation and Applicant Agreement & Release Authorization.