1Board Certied Coach–Reinstatement
Updated July 2020
The Board Certied Coach (BCC) mark is a trademark of the Center for Credentialing & Education, Inc. (CCE).
The Center for Credentialing & Education, Inc. (CCE) values diversity.
There are no barriers to certication on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation or national origin.
and NBCC
are registered trade and service marks of the National Board for Certied Counselors, Inc.
TEL: 336-482-2856 * FAX: 336-482-2852
cce-global.org * credentialinfo@cce-global.org
This application form is interactive.
Download the form to your computer to ll it out.
2Board Certied Coach–Reinstatement
Updated July 2020
BCC applicants and credential holders are responsible for ensuring that their behavior adheres to the standards identied
in the BCC Code of Ethics.
Whether you are an applicant or credential holder, you are required to disclose any of the following types of matters:
• Criminal charge (Note: You do not need to disclose trac charges unless they involve drugs or alcohol or injury
to person or property.)
• Legal action related to business or occupational activities in which you are named as a defendant
• Grievance by any government entity or professional organization
• Employment termination due to conduct
• Probation or removal from any graduate program for reasons unrelated to grades
Written disclosures must be received within 60 days of you becoming aware of the required disclosure, unless you are an
applicant and are disclosing a previously concluded matter. In such cases, the disclosure and required documentation must
be submitted with your application
The BCC certication is valid for ve years as long as you comply with CCE policies and procedures. As a BCC
certicant, you are required to adhere to ethical standards, pay annual maintenance fees and recertify after ve years.
Annual maintenance fee: Currently $40
You will receive an annual maintenance fee notice approximately six weeks before the certication anniversary date. If
you have any concerns about your invoice, please contact CCE. Please be sure to pay the annual maintenance fee by the
due date in order to maintain active status.
To reinstate your inactive or expired BCC certication, you will need to take the following steps:
Submit a reinstatement application
Pay the BCC reinstatement fee (currently $50)
Pay any past-due fees
Document 70 hours of continuing education (if expired)
Accept and sign the Ethics Attestation and Applicant Agreement & Release Authorization
Recertication is necessary every ve years to maintain your certication. The recertication process and its components
are described below:
BCCs must complete 70 continuing education hours within the BCC competency areas, including a minimum
of four clock hours in ethics. If you hold a specialty designation, at least 10 of the 70 hours must be specic to
each specialty designation held. You may be required to provide copies of certicates of attendance and other
documentation of continuing education.
Recertication notices and instructions are mailed in conjunction with the annual maintenance fee. Please see the
annual maintenance fee information above for details.
You must accept and sign the Ethics Attestation and Applicant Agreement & Release Authorization.
3Board Certied Coach–Reinstatement
Updated July 2020
An applicant must complete all portions of the BCC application, including the ethics attestation and the Applicant
Agreement & Release Authorization. Disclosures and other ethics matters are reviewed in accordance with CCE
procedures. Disclosures do not automatically render an individual ineligible for credentialing. CCE reserves the right to
deny eligibility based on an ethics review. Application fees are not refundable when an application is rejected.
Your disclosure must be submitted in writing with your application. Please seal your written statement and supporting
documentation in an envelope marked “CCE Ethics Department.”
Your written submission must include relevant documentation, including copies of the charges, outcomes and paperwork
indicating that required actions have been completed. Documentation regarding this varies depending on the type of
matter. Please refer to cce-global.org/Prof/Ethics for samples, answers to frequently asked questions, and policies.
4Board Certied Coach–Reinstatement
Updated July 2020
6. Ethics Attestation
(Please respond to each statement below.)
1. Have you ever been or are you currently charged with a criminal oense?
2. Have you ever been or are you currently a defendant in any type of legal action related to
your business or occupational activities?
3. Have you ever been or are you currently the subject of any complaint matter or
disciplinary review by any government entity or professional organization?
4. Have you ever been terminated or discharged from employment for conduct reasons?
5. Have you ever been placed on probation or removed from any graduate program
in which you were enrolled for reasons unrelated to grades?
If you answered “YES” to any of the above questions, you must include a complete, detailed explanation related to
the response. You must also provide copies of relevant documentation, such as copies of the complaint, pleadings, and
compliance with nal orders. Place these materials in a sealed envelope marked “Attention: CCE Ethics Department” and
return with your application. Failure to provide required information will delay the processing of your application.
All CCE applicants are required to submit written disclosures of any:
Criminal oense. (Note: You do not need to disclose trac charges unless they involve drugs, alcohol, or injury
to person or property.)
Legal action related to business or occupational activities in which he or she is named
as a defendant.
Complaint matter or disciplinary review by any government entity or professional
Employment terminations due to conduct.
Probation or removal from any graduate program for reasons unrelated to grades.
I have read the reminder of the required disclosures (above) and have submitted the required
written disclosures to CCE.
BATCH #1: _________
DATE: _____________
5. I am interested in volunteering for marketing eorts examination development standards development.
1. First Name, MI:
Last Name:
Previous Name(s):
2. Street Address:
City, State/Province
ZIP/Postal Code, Country:
3. Home Telephone: Business Telephone:
4 . Email:
Check here if you do NOT want your contact information shared with continuing education providers.
5Board Certied Coach–Reinstatement
Updated July 2020
8. Continuing Education Requirement
By signing this document, I certify that I have completed the 70 continuing education clock hours required for
recertication, OR that my status is currently inactive but not expired; therefore, I agree to comply with the
continuing education maintenance requirement.
Applicant’s Signature Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
7. Applicant Agreement & Release Authorization
All information I provide in this application, including supporting documentation, is accurate and complete to the
best of my knowledge. If I have knowledge of any changes concerning my responses in this application, including my
responses in the Ethics Attestation, I agree to report this to CCE in writing within 60 days.
I agree that CCE has the right to contact any person or organization regarding this application, and I authorize
the release of any information requested by CCE to verify the accuracy. I understand that all application materials
become the property of CCE and will not be returned.
I understand that certication through CCE depends upon my fulllment of all required criteria and compliance
with CCE policies, which include the BCC Code of Ethics and the certication mark and trademark use policy. I
understand that certication does not create membership in CCE. I understand that CCE certication is personal to
me and may not be transferred to another individual or group.
I understand that professional biographical and certication data is considered to be public information and will be
made available in response to public inquiries. I agree that data related to my participation in CCE certication may
be used for research and statistical purposes.
I recognize that any certication granted by CCE does not represent licensure or other authorization to practice
business activities for a fee. I release CCE from all liability and claims arising from any professional activity.
6Board Certied Coach–Reinstatement
Updated July 2020
Please submit payment of past-due balance listed on the BCC nal notice in addition to the $50 Reinstatement
Application fee.
All fees must be paid in U.S. dollars.
CCE will review your application packet within six weeks of receipt.
You will be notied of your status and informed if further information is needed.
Telephone: Day:
Applicant’s Name:
Enclosed is a check or money order payable to CCE in the amount of $_________ (U.S. dollars).
Please charge the credit card listed below in the amount of $_________ (U.S. dollars).
Cardholder Signature: ______________________________________ Date (mm/dd/yyyy): ____________
Card Security Code (from back of card):
Name on Card:
Card Type:
VISA MasterCard
American Express
Submit your application and payment
By mail: CCE; P.O. Box 63223; Charlotte, NC 28263-3223
By fax: 336-482-2852
If you are mailing your application, be sure to make copies of all your application materials before submitting the
originals. CCE cannot return any forms or documents to you or to a third party.
Check this box and email your application to credentialinfo@cce-global.org. Please note that we cannot take
payment via email. We will reach out to you via email with instructions after you email your application.
If you wish to submit this application via email, DO NOT complete the credit card information on this page.