File No. ___________________ Date Received: ________________________
A. Applicant Information (Please print or type)
1. Municipality: Parker___ Springfield___
2. Name of Applicant: ____________________________________________________
3. The Applicant is the: A) Property Owner _______ or; B) Authorized Agent_________
(If the applicant is an agent, attach a signed statement from the property owner granting
permission for the agent to obtain any necessary permits.)
4. Applicant Address: ____________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________
5. Applicant Telephone :(____) ___________ Fax :(____) ___________
6. Name of Project Contact ________________________________________________
7. Project Contact Address:________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________
8. Contact Telephone: (____) ___________ Fax: (____)____________
9. Name of Person or Firm the Development Order is to be issued to (If not same as the
Address of Recipient: ____________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________
10. Traffic Concurrency and Proportional Fair Share Mitigation Review Fees (Please attach
check made payable to "Bay County Planning and Zoning Division".)
Type Review
1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review
De Minimis Developments $350.00 $150.00 $150.00
(See Appendix A)
Minor Transportation $500.00 $200.00 $200.00
Concurrency Review
(See Appendix A)
Comprehensive Transportation $750.00 $250.00 $250.00
Concurrency Review &
Proportionate Share Mitigation Review
Any review after the 3rd Review will incur an additional $200.00 for all types of reviews.
De Minimis Developments: $ ______________
Minor Transportation Concurrency Review: $ ______________
Comprehensive Transportation Concurrency Review: $ ______________
Proportionate Share Mitigation Review: $ _______________
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B Project Information
1. Proposed Use of Site: _________________________________________________
2. Number of Units (or lots, if subdivision): ___________________________________
3. Is this project part of an existing multi-phased development? ______ No ______ Yes;
this project is part of ______________________________________________________
4. Is this project the start of a new multi-phase project? _____ No ______ Yes; this is a
multi-phase project anticipated to be developed in _________ phases. This application is
for phase(s) ______________________.
C. Development Site Information
1. Current Use of Site: ___________________________________________________
2. Address of Site: ______________________________________________________
3. Property Appraiser's Parcel ID #(s) _______________________________________
4. Size of property: ___________________ (square feet); __________________ (acres)
5. Name(s) of Adjacent Street(s):
North- _____________________________South- _____________________________
East - _____________________________ West- _____________________________
D. Traffic Impacts
1. ITE Code & Existing Level of Service (This section is to be filled out for all projects
to determine whether the proposed development meets or exceeds any of the
thresholds listed in Section F.3. of this application necessitating a traffic study. NOTE:
If the project is part of a phase of an overall master development that meets or
exceeds the requirements of Section F.3., a Traffic Impact Analysis will be required)
a. Include trips generated by proposed project using ITE Trip Generation 8
ITE Code
Land Use
# Units
PM Peak
Hour Trips
NOTE: Copy of deed with legal
description MUST be included.
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b. If applicable, list credited trips (removed units must be located on same parcel):
ITE Code Land Use
# Units
PM Peak
Total Trips Credited
New Trips Added from Replacement
Total Trips
c. Include the following information for road(s) impacted by the proposed
Road Segment
Peak Hour
Maximum Service
Peak Hour
PM Peak
Hour Trips
(NOTE: information required above may be obtained from the Bay County TPO’s
Congestion Management System and the Bay County’s Concurrency Management
2. 211, 279 Turn Lane Analysis
a. 211 left turn lane analysis required: Yes (Attached) ___ No ___
b. 279 right turn lane analysis required: Yes (Attached) ___ No ___
3. Traffic Impact Analysis
a. A Transportation Study is required if the proposed development meets any of the
following criteria:
___ Impacts any facility that is at or within 10% of its adopted level-of-service
___ The proposed development is expected to generate 100 or more peak-hour
___ The proposed development meets any of the thresholds listed as 100 peak-
hour trips as provided in Table 1 of the Site Impact Handbook promulgated by the
Department of Transportation.
b. Transportation Studies must adhere to requirements of Sections 2008-6&7 of the Land
Development Regulations.
4. Proportionate Share Mitigation (To be filled out if required after initial review of
Concurrency Application and pre-application meeting)
a. Attach document stating proposed mitigation strategy stating the following:
1. Road Segment affected (FDOT concurrence required on SIS facilities pursuant to
LDR Section 3306-5.);
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2. Project description, including type, intensity, and amount of development;
3. Phasing schedule (if applicable);
4. Description of requested proportionate fair-share mitigation method(s), and
5. Estimated value of the proposed fair-share mitigation pursuant to Chapter 33 of
the Land Development Regulations.
5. Hurricane Evacuation The subject property occurs in the following hurricane
evacuation zone(s) (check all that apply):
_____ Tropical Storm _____ Category 1 Hurricane ______ Category 2 Hurricane
_____ Category 3 Hurricane ______ Category 4-5 Hurricane ______ N/A
H. Required Permits (check all that apply)
1. _____ FDOT (_____Driveway Access _____ Drainage _____ Utility)
2. _____ Right-of-Way Use (_____) Bay County; ____ City of __________________)
3. _____ Driveway (______) Bay County; _____ City of ____________________)
4. _____ Others (specify): ________________________________________________
I. Understanding of Transportation Concurrency Requirements
I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and correct and that I am either
the true and sole owner of the subject property, or am authorized to act on behalf of the
true owner(s) in all regards on this matter, pursuant to proof and authorization submitted
with the corresponding development application or attached hereto. I hereby represent that
I have the lawful right and authority to file this application. I understand that submission of
the form initiates a process and does not imply approval by Bay County.
I further certify that I understand that issuance of a Certificate of Concurrency will require
successful completion of Development Review, and that likewise no final development
order will be issued except upon successful completion of this Concurrency Review. I
further understand that “Inquiry Only” Review will result in no Certificate of Concurrency
being issued, and therefore no binding assurance of future capacity, and that a new
Concurrency Review application will be required in conjunction with the first final
development order applies for on this property.
By signing this application, the owner hereby authorizes Planning and Zoning Division staff
to access the subject property to verify information contained in this application and
accompanying submittal documents. Further, the person named as the Project Contact is
authorized on my behalf (if applicable).
__________________________________ _____________________
Owner’s or Authorized Agent’s signature Date
(Please Print or Type Name)
Appendix A: De Minimis Impacts & Minor Transportation Concurrency Review
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F.S. 163.3180(6) - The Legislature finds that a de minimis impact is consistent with this part. A de minimis
impact is an impact that would not affect more than 1 percent of the maximum volume at the adopted level of
service of the affected transportation facility as determined by the local government. No impact will be de
minimis if the sum of existing roadway volumes and the projected volumes from approved projects on a
transportation facility would exceed 110 percent of the maximum volume at the adopted level of service of the
affected transportation facility; provided however, that an impact of a single family home on an existing lot will
constitute a de minimis impact on all roadways regardless of the level of the deficiency of the roadway.
Further, no impact will be de minimis if it would exceed the adopted level-of-service standard of any affected
designated hurricane evacuation routes. Each local government shall maintain sufficient records to ensure
that the 110-percent criterion is not exceeded. Each local government shall submit annually, with its updated
capital improvements element, a summary of the de minimis records. If the state land planning agency
determines that the 110-percent criterion has been exceeded, the state land planning agency shall notify the
local government of the exceedance and that no further de minimis exceptions for the applicable roadway
may be granted until such time as the volume is reduced below the 110 percent. The local government shall
provide proof of this reduction to the state land planning agency before issuing further de minimis exceptions.
Projects generating trips that do not affect more than 1% of the maximum volume at the adopted
level of service of the affected transportation facilities listed below shall be reviewed as a De
Minimus Developments. Projects that generate more than 1% of the maximum volume at the
adopted level of service of the affected transportation facilities listed below shall fall under Minor
Transportation Concurrency Review. All service volumes listed are for Peak Hour Two-Way
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