A system of internal control may be implemented in many different ways. Because political subdivisions vary in purpose, size and complexity,
no single method of internal control is universally applicable. However, the five internal control components should be present and functioning in all political
Questions have been accumulated for all five internal control components. This document includes questions pertaining to various
noncompliance issues regarding bank account reconcilements. These questions can be used to aid in designing a proper system of internal control over
bank reconcilements that will allow incorrect bank reconcilements to be prevented or detected and corrected. It is not necessary to address all questions
in this document. These are only suggestions and ultimately it is up to the unit on how they implement it. The internal control system as a whole has to
be designed and implemented appropriately in order to allow errors made on the bank reconcilement to be prevented or detected and corrected in a timely
Control Environment
The questions in this section are divided by questions that pertain to the governing board and management.
Risk Assessment
Control Activities
1) Does management identify, analyze and respond to risks regarding the preparation and review of the bank reconcilement?
a. What areas have been identified regarding the preparation and review of the bank reconcilement that may be exposed to risk?
b. How has management analyzed and responded to identified risks? For example, management may accept the risk and take no
action, choose to eliminate certain processes to avoid the risk and/or institute proper internal controls.
2) How does management prevent fraud and errors in the accounting records, which are used to compute cash and investment
balances. For example, are important internal control procedures in place such as approvals, regular preparation or review of
reconciliations, review of supporting schedules or reports, etc.?
3) What procedures are in place to ensure that the information reported on the bank reconcilement is correct and reflective of the
accounting records and the bank reconcilement is performed monthly?
1) Is there a system of checks and balances (segregation of duties) to ensure a correct bank reconcilement?
a. Are responsibilities for reviewing the bank reconcilement segregated from those preparing the bank reconcilement?
b. Are responsibilities for preparing the bank reconcilement segregated from those involved in receipting and disbursing activities?
c. Are responsibilities for preparing a reconcilement between the receipts ledger and the credits to the bank account segregated
from those involved in the receipting process?
d. Are responsibilities for preparing a reconcilement between the disbursements ledger and the debits to the bank account
segregated from those involved in the disbursing process?
2) Does management present the bank reconcilement to the governing board for review and approval?
3) Are bank statements received directly by the appropriate level of management or another appropriate person and reviewed prior to
routing to the individual who performs the bank reconcilement?
Governing Board: YES NO
Does the governing board oversee the unit’s internal control system over the preparation and review of the bank reconcilement?
Are there written policies documenting internal control procedures over the preparation and review of the bank reconcilement? If
yes, do these written policies outline the authority and responsibility for the preparation and review of the bank reconcilement within
the unit and require bank reconcilements to be performed monthly?
Does the governing board have a complete listing of all bank accounts?
What procedures did management put in place for the preparation and review of the bank reconcilement and review of cash and
investment balances?
Does management assign responsibility, and delegate authority to achieve a correct bank reconcilement and ensure it is
prepared monthly?
2) Have all bank accounts been reported to management?
3) Is management willing to adjust the financial statements for misstatements that approach a material amount?
Information and Communication
4) Does management or a designated individual review and check the accuracy of the bank reconcilement by comparing it to
supporting documentation used and verify the bank reconcilement was performed monthly? If yes, is this review documented as
evidenced by initials, tick marks, etc. indicating procedures performed?
5) Are canceled checks examined to ensure vendors are recognized, signatures are by authorized signers and endorsements are
6) Are bank statements and cancelled checks examined to ensure checks are not issued out of sequence?
7) Is the individual authorized to oversee the bank reconcilement knowledgeable in the bank reconcilement process?
8) Does the individual authorized to oversee cash and investment balances understand the units recordkeeping system?
9) Is there a checklist for the preparation and review of the bank reconcilement that includes the following
a. Employee names with their responsibilities and duties
b. Deadlines for completing the bank reconcilement
c. Detail of supporting documentation required
d. Supporting documentation required for all reconciling items
10) Is there a periodic investigation of checks outstanding for a considerable time?
1) Are procedures established to ensure that proper communication and documentation exists for internal communications between
offices, departments, management and the governing board regarding the preparation and review of bank reconcilements?
a. How does the unit internally communicate information to employees regarding the preparation and review of the bank
reconcilement, including responsibilities for internal control? Are records maintained to document this communication?
b. Are procedures established to ensure that the communication requirements are being followed and necessary information is
being communicated properly?
2) What procedures are in place to collect the information needed to complete the bank reconcilement?
a. Does management use the most current information available to ensure the bank reconcilement is correct?
Are internal controls over the bank reconcilement process evaluated and adjusted on a regular basis? For example personnel
changes, newly elected officials, new technology, etc.
a. What follow-up action is taken for identified problems or weaknesses in internal controls regarding the preparation and review of
the bank reconcilement?
2) Are monthly reports detailing receipts, disbursements, cash and investment balances and appropriations of the funds provided to
the appropriate department to review for accuracy and reasonableness?
3) Are monthly reports detailing receipts, disbursements, cash and investment balances and appropriations of the funds provided to
management to review for accuracy and reasonableness?
4) Are monthly reports of receipts, disbursements, cash and investment balances and appropriations of the funds provided to the
governing board to review?
5) Does a confidential reporting system exist so that individuals may report suspected fraud and abuse of the units policies?