B1214 (Design date 11/19) – Page 2
3. Plan of the proposed licensed warehouse
Please provide two (2) copies of a certied plan:
(a) Outline the proposed variation to the warehouse area in red. Plans may be prepared by hand but must be to scale. Dimensions on the plan
must be in metric measurements.
If variation is for change of address, please provide full plans (as detailed in the Section 79 Warehouse Application Guide detailing security,
parking, fences etc.
(b) The plan should include the following details:
• entrance(s) to the premises in cases where the whole of the premises is proposed to be licensed, otherwise the entrance to the area to be
licensed as a warehouse.
• storage sheds and other buildings within the proposed licensed warehouse and their purposes.
• the ABF’s examination area.
• if the premises include an area licensed under section 77G of the Customs Act as a depot, indicate the location of this licensed area.
(c) An authorised ofcial of the business should endorse the plan with the following statement (handwritten or typed on the actual plans):
“I hereby certify that this is a correct plan of the place proposed to be covered by a warehouse licence at (insert street address) operated by
(insert name of warehouse licence holder) and referred to in the application for an amended warehouse licence dated (insert date).
I also certify that the area bounded in red is the area of the proposed licensed warehouse.”
The authorised ofcial should sign the site plan, including their full name, designation/position title and the date of signature.
No If No, you must provide evidence (Examples: Occupancy Certicate or Asbestos Report)
If Yes, provide details (If insufcient space, attach additional details)
If Yes, provide responses to (a) and (b) below (If insufcient space, attach additional details)
2. About the proposed variation continued...
2.2 Is it proposed that the postal and/or location address of the warehouse would change?
2.6 Is asbestos present in the building(s) within the proposed licensed area?
In accordance with Workplace Health and Safety Guidelines,
you are required to notify the ABF of the presence of this substance in the workplace.
2.7 Will there be any physical security changes?
(a) Describe the physical security of the proposed warehouse.
(Examples: Alarm systems, security patrol service, description of perimeter fencing, and/or exterior lighting)
(b) Nominate the person who may be contacted by the ABF to gain after hours access.
2.3 Will the warehouse be located more than 40 kilometres from the nearest ABF ofce?
2.8 Is any area on the premises on which the proposed warehouse is located licensed under section 77G of the Customs Act as a licensed depot?
2.4 What are the proposed physical changes to the warehouse? (If insufcient space, attach additional details)
2.5 Describe the security, layout and construction of the proposed warehouse (Example: Floor to ceiling cyclone wire fence).
References to buildings or locations of interest should be identied on the plan (see Point 3 “Plan of proposed licensed warehouse”).
(If insufcient space, attach additional details)
If Yes, provide the new address
No Yes
Contact person’s name
Contact number