Section 6 – About you
lease take a moment to tell us what’s important to you by completing the questionnaire below.
1 Your role – please tell us which of the following best describes your role (choose one)
1 I work for an organisation in an HR role
2 I work for an organisation in an L&D role
3 I work for an organisation in an HR and L&D role
4 I work for an organisation in a role in another
HR specialism
5 I don’t work in HR but have responsibility for it
6 I am a self-employed independent consultant
7 I work for an HR/L&D consultancy
8 I work for a management consultancy
9 I work for a supplier of services to the
HR/L&D community (excl. consultancies)
2 Please select your main areas of interest (choose one or more)
1 Change management
2 Coaching/mentoring
3 Corporate social responsibility/
4 Diversity and inclusion
5 Employer branding
6 Employee communications
7 Employee engagement
8 Employee relations/trade unions
9 Employee well-being
10 Employment law
11 Health and safety
12 Human capital/metrics
13 HR systems and technology
14 International HR
15 International reward/expatriate
16 Leadership and management
17 Leading and managing the HR function
18 Learning and development strategy
19 Occupational psychology
20 Organisation design
21 Organisation development
22 Employee benefits
23 Performance management
24 Public policy issues
25 Recruitment and selection
26 Reward
27 Shared services
(including HR outsourcing)
28 Talent management/
succession planning
29 Technology-based training
30 Learning and training delivery
31 Learning and training design
32 Workforce planning
33 Neuroscience
34 Absence/working time
35 Other (please specify)
3 Do you work in a specialist role? Yes No
If yes, what is your area of specialism?
(choose one number from the list above)
4 What is your job level? Please read the descriptions and select which best applies to your role (choose one)
1 Director: Top-level with overall responsibility for
own function with board membership or equivalent,
including MD, CEO or Chairman.
2 Senior executive/group role: Top executive with
overall responsibility but without board membership or
3 Senior business partner: Individual with responsibility
for an activity within the overall function – may be a
senior HR specialist or in a broader HR role. Makes a
significant contribution to policy formulation.
4 Business partner: Individual in senior position
with strong professional role – may have
supervisory responsibilities for departmental
work and/or manage a small team.
5 Manager: An experienced professional with first
level of responsibility and more than two years’
experience at this level.
6 Adviser/Assistant: A professional starting out
on their HR/L&D car
eer withunder two years’
experience in function.
7 In-house consultant: Individual working
within an organisation on a programme/
project, possibly working cross-functionally.
8 Independent consultant: Individual
providing consultancy services to
organisations on a freelance/contractual
9 Lecturer/Academic
10 Consultant in HR/Management
Your details If you work from home tick this box
5 What is your employment status? (choose one from each section)
1 Full-time
Section A
Section B
2 Part-time/job share 3 Retired from full-time employment
4 Not in paid employment
9 Not applicable 6 Permanent 7 Temporary/fixed term/interim
5 Full-time student
8 Self-employed
Name ..........................................................................................................