Award Submission Summary
(To be used for award proposals)
Submiers name _______________________________________Date _______________________________
Address _______________________________________________Phone ______________________________
City __________________________________________________Email ______________________________
State _________________________________________________Zip code ____________________________
Scoung Aliaon (Unit, council, and role) ______________________________________________________
Organizaonal Aliaon (Associaon, foundaon, corporaon—if appropriate) ________________________
Short tle of award proposal __________________________________________________________________
Describe the award and state the raonale (aach separate sheets if desired). __________________________
Discuss how the award proposal relates to the primary areas of consideraon below. Be as expansive or brief
as you feel is appropriate. Aach separate sheet(s)/le(s).
Describe how the award would t with Scoung (values, Scout Oath, Scout Law, Guide to Safe
Scoung, etc.).
Explain the praccality (uniqueness, existence of standardized “rules” and oversight organizaon,
safety/risk consideraons, etc.).
Tell how this award will impact the life of Scoung members.
Include informaon about resource requirements (cost to Scouts/units, camp implicaons, etc.).
Dra of the Award Requirements
Develop and aach a dra or inial thoughts on the requirements for the award. Be as specic as possible.
Addional Informaon for Consideraon
Consider the availability of outside resources for developmental support, external consideraons, etc.
Aach separate documentaon if appropriate.
Following receipt of this applicaon, a task force of volunteers will review the proposal and bring forward
any execuonal or conceptual consideraons that may be unique to Scoungs mission or history.
The review process happens upon submial. If approved, the proposal moves into development.
The goal of the Program Team is to determine, within 120 days of receipt, whether the proposal will be
adopted, deferred, or recommended to be combined with another award.
Awards recommended for combinaon with another award are referred to the appropriate commiee.
This Award Proposal Applicaon must be submied either by email or regular mail.
By email: michael.lovecchio@scou
By regular mail: Program Team—Award Proposal
1325 W. Walnut Hill Lane, S272
Irving, TX 75038
2016 Printing
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, Texas 75015-2079