Award Submission Summary
(To be used for award proposals)
Submier’s name _______________________________________Date _______________________________
Address _______________________________________________Phone ______________________________
City __________________________________________________Email ______________________________
State _________________________________________________Zip code ____________________________
Scoung Aliaon (Unit, council, and role) ______________________________________________________
Organizaonal Aliaon (Associaon, foundaon, corporaon—if appropriate) ________________________
Short tle of award proposal __________________________________________________________________
Describe the award and state the raonale (aach separate sheets if desired). __________________________
Discuss how the award proposal relates to the primary areas of consideraon below. Be as expansive or brief
as you feel is appropriate. Aach separate sheet(s)/le(s).
• Describe how the award would t with Scoung (values, Scout Oath, Scout Law, Guide to Safe
Scoung, etc.).
• Explain the praccality (uniqueness, existence of standardized “rules” and oversight organizaon,
safety/risk consideraons, etc.).
• Tell how this award will impact the life of Scoung members.
• Include informaon about resource requirements (cost to Scouts/units, camp implicaons, etc.).
Dra of the Award Requirements
Develop and aach a dra or inial thoughts on the requirements for the award. Be as specic as possible.
Addional Informaon for Consideraon
Consider the availability of outside resources for developmental support, external consideraons, etc.
Aach separate documentaon if appropriate.