Automotive Technology Program Application • Fall 2021
Email completed form to: registrar@chemeketa.edu
Click each box to agree with the statement:
❑ I have read the application guide and will retain it for my reference.
❑ I have applied for admission to Chemeketa (to begin taking classes summer term 2021)
or am already a current Chemeketa student.
❑ I understand that I must submit all required application documents by email.
❑ I understand that I may be placed on an admission or alternate list depending on available
program space.
❑ I have verified that my student email in My Chemeketa is active.
❑ I understand that I will be notified by student email of my program admission status.
❑ I understand that an offer of admission is conditional on program eligibility.
❑ I understand that if I receive a conditional offer of admission, I must provide the required
documents to prove program eligibility.
❑ I understand that if I cannot prove that I meet program eligibility requirements, I will not be
admitted into the program.
❑ I understand that if offered admission, I will be required to attend the program orientation
in August.
❑ I understand that if I do not attend the program orientation, I will not be admitted into the program.
❑ I understand that I must notify both Enrollment Services and the program of any address or
phone changes.
❑ I understand that all program students are required to have their program-required tools,
textbooks, and personal protective equipment by the start of classes.
❑ I understand that the deadline to apply for financial aid for fall term is in June.
Email completed form to: registrar@chemeketa.edu
Application Open Date: February 1, 2021
Application Close Date: May 21, 20201