(Authorizing Trading in Securities & Commodities and
Permitti ng Margin Transactions, Options & Short Sales)
Account Number:
To the Introducing Firm identified in the New Account Application & Agreement,
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the Board of Directors of ,
a corporation formed under the laws of , by a minimum of quorum, that the following resolution or its
equivalent have been adopted and now is in full force and effect: WHEREAS this Corporation is duly authorized and permitted by its
Charter and By-Laws to deal in stocks, bonds, and other securities; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Corporation open an
account or accounts in its name with my Introducing Firm (the Introducing Firm), to be carried by Apex Clearing Corporation
(“Clearing Firm), and that the President, Vice President, Treasurer, other officers and, or any one of them or their successors in office,
individually or jointly, may, on behalf of this Corporation, (1) give orders in the said account or accounts for the purchase, sale or other
disposition of stocks, bonds, and other securities, (2) instruct, deliver to, or receive from Introducing Firm or Clearing Firm monies,
stocks, bonds, and other securities, (3) sign acknowledgements of the correctness of all statements of accounts and (4) make, execute
and deliver under the corporate authority and seal any and all written endorsements and documents necessary or proper to effectuate
the authority hereby conferred.
Also provided herewith is the Margin/Loan Agreement and Options Agreement (where applicable) duly executed on behalf of the
Corporation, the terms of which are also approved and adopted by said Board of Directors of the Corporation.
This Authorization and its enforcement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, shall cover individually and collectively all
accounts covered by this agreement and authorization which the undersigned may open or reopen with you, and shall inure to the
benefit of the Introducing Firm’s and the Clearing Broker’s present organization, and any successor organization, irrespective of any
change or changes of any kind of the personnel thereof for any cause whatsoever, and of the assigns of the Introducing Firms and the
Clearing Brokers present organization or any successor organization.
Very truly yours,
Authorized Officer’s Signature Date
Authorized Officer’s Printed Name Title
I, , the undersigned Secretary of the Corporation (or equivalent officer), hereby certify
that ea ch of the Offi cers of the cus tomer entity has been duly elected and is now legally holding the office set forth in the undersigned’s
New Account Application & Agreement.
N WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the Secretary of the Customer, on behalf of the Customer, have hereunto affixed my hand of said Corporation
the day of , 20 .
Secretary’s Signature (Secretary of Customer, a Corporation) Secretary’s Printed Name
69186R-UCOR 04/03/2019