Authorization for Study at Another Institution
Name_____________________________________________________ Student ID#_______________________
Course to be taken during term: ______________________ Year: _______________________
Number of community college credits earned to date: _______________
Total number of credits earned toward degree: __________________ Anticipated graduation date: ___________
Policies relating to transfer of credit after entering Fontbonne University:
1. An undergraduate student’s final semester of coursework (regardless of the number of credit hours taken) prior to the
conferring of a degree, must be completed at Fontbonne University.
2. A student may not take courses required for the degree at any other institution during the semester in which the degree
is to be conferred; the only exception is an institution with which Fontbonne has a course or program agreement.
3. A student may not take CLEP or apply for any externally granted credit through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) during
the semester in which the degree is to be conferred.
4. All transcripts of previously earned coursework, CLEP, and internal PLA documentation must be submitted to the
Registrar’s Office by the midterm date of the semester in which a student will graduate.
5. A minimum of 32 credits must be completed at Fontbonne University. (Residency requirement)
6. A maximum of 64 credits will be accepted from a community college.
Institution where course will be taken: ________________________________ City/State ____________________
Course Number___________ Course Title_________________________________________ Credit Hours _______
Will you be registering for this course through the Inter-Institutional Agreement? □ Yes □ No
Is this course offered at Fontbonne the semester you are requesting to take it elsewhere? □ Yes □ No
If yes, why are you taking this course elsewhere? _____________________________________________________
This course satisfies the following Fontbonne requirement □ or elective □
Course Number___________ Course Title_________________________________________ Credit Hours _______
______________________________________________________________ ______________________
Student Signature Date
______________________________________________________________ ______________________
Advisor Signature Date
______________________________________________________________ ______________________
Chair Signature – Department of student’s program Date
______________________________________________________________ ______________________
Chair Signature – Department of course being taken Date
______________________________________________________________ ______________________
Dean Signature – Department of student’s program Date
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