Austin Independent School District
Standard Application Form for Service on Campus Advisory Bodies (CACs)
If you are completing this form by hand, please print all information.
For more information on CACs, including CAC bylaws: http://www.austinisd.org/advisory-bodies/cac
Street Address:
Preferred Daytime Telephone Number:
Name of School (CAC on Which You Wish to Serve):
The following CAC membership criteria apply:
• Parents must stand in parental relation to a student currently enrolled in the school indicated above. Parents
may not also be AISD employees.
• Community members must live within the district. Community members may not also be parents or AISD
employees, and must be at least 18 years of age.
• Business representatives need not live or work within the district. Business representatives may also be parents.
Based on the above criteria, please select one of the following CAC membership categories:
I am a Parent
I am a Community Member
I am a Business Representative
I am a Teacher
I am a Campus Professional Employee (Other Than a Teacher)
I am a Classified Employee
Please describe any current or previous school-related service (e.g., district-level committee, CAC, PTA,
volunteer, tutor, mentor):
Please describe any other current or previous community service:
AISD recognizes and supports the concept of balanced representation in regard to filling vacancies on district
advisory bodies. To this end, every effort is made to appoint members who represent the diversity of our community.
Please provide the following information about yourself:
Please describe why you are interested in serving on the CAC you indicated:
Although not required, you are encouraged to attach written references to this form in support of your membership.
I have attached the following number of written references to this form: