Last Edited: June 2020
City of Augusta - CV-19 SB Relief Program Application
APPLICANT CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT: I hereby declare that any person(s) employed by
the City of Augusta, who has direct or indirect personal or financial interest in this application or in any portion
of the profits that may be derived there from, has been identified and the interest disclosed below. (Please
include in your disclosure any interest which you know of. An example of a direct interest would be a City of
Augusta employee, City of Augusta Commission Member, City of Augusta Community Development Block
Grant Selection Committee, who would be paid to perform services under this proposal. An example of indirect
interest would be a City of Augusta employee who is related to any officers, employees, principal or
shareholders of your firm or to you. If in doubt as to status or interest, please disclose to the extent known). I
hereby certify that the information on this form is complete and accurate. If necessary, I will provide the
information required to verify this data (e.g. pay stubs, bank account statements, etc.). I, therefore, authorize
such verification, and I will provide the supporting documentation, if necessary.
Name: __________________________________________________________________________ (printed)
Signature: ____________________________________________________Date: ___________________
Disclosed Conflict of Interests: