Registration Office
Yuba Community College District- YC
Audit Application Form
(complete one application form for EACH class)
Students auditing a course must be eligible for admission to the College as regularly
enrolled students.
Students enrolling in a course for credit will have priority over students desiring to audit
the course. Auditing will be permitted only at the conclusion of the late registration
Students auditing a course will complete an Auditor Application Form, which must be
signed by the appropriate instructor. Faculty members instructing audit eligible courses
have the right to refuse auditors.
The completed Auditor Application Form must be filed with the Registration Office.
A nonrefundable audit fee of $15 per unit will be payable at the time of enrollment by
students auditing a course. This fee is not covered by the CCPG fee waiver.
Students auditing a course will not be charged the regular Enrollment Fee that is paid for
credit enrollment, and the Nonresident Tuition Fee will not apply.
Course costs will be charged to students auditing a course where appropriate.
Students auditing a course must purchase parking permits when needed.
Students auditing a course must meet course prerequisites.
No transcript of record will be maintained for audited classes.
Students auditing a course will not be counted in enrollment-based decisions about
maintaining or canceling classes.
No transfer from audit to credit status or the reverse will be permitted.
Audited classes do not count toward units for any purpose, e.g., financial aid, veteran’s
benefits, full-time student status.
Students enrolled in ten or more units will not be charged a fee for auditing up to three
units per semester.
Student’s name______________________________ ID#_________________________
Class Code_____________________
Instructor _______________________
Instructor USE ONLY:
I authorize this student to audit my class (listed above):
Instructor Signature
Date Revised: 04/2020