I, the undersigned employee, have received and have carefully read and am informed about the
content, requirements, and expectations of the Transition and Adaptability Policy (“Policy”). I
agree to abide by the Policy terms as a condition of my employment and my continuing
employment with Webster University and as a condition of being permitted ongoing access to
Webster University’s premises. Such Policy terms are incorporated herein by reference and
include without limitation the following:
I shall remain away from Webster University premises if I am sick.
I shall complete the online self-assessment each day before coming to campus, or on-
site upon arrival with Public Safety or as established by my campus, and shall follow the
directions I receive from such self-assessment if I am denied access to campus.
I shall practice social distancing and other protective healthy measures, including
wearing face masks or coverings, as required by any applicable Health Department
Order and/or by CDC guidelines.
I shall use frequent hygiene procedures while on campus.
I shall respect, and shall not attempt to circumvent, physical campus directives such as
physical barriers, limited access, etc.
I understand that it is not possible for Webster University to eliminate completely the possibility
of exposure to the COVID-19 virus. I assume the risk of such exposure on Webster University’s
premises. This statement is not intended to cover claims under any Workers’ Compensation
law nor any claims for which such a release is not permitted by applicable law, such as claims
for gross negligence, intentional misconduct or for circumstances in which a prospective waiver
would violate public policy.
I understand that if I have questions, at any time, regarding the Transition and Adaptability
policy, I will consult with my immediate supervisor or Human Resources. I understand that
failure to abide by the Policy terms may require corrective action in accordance with the
Corrective Action policy
(faculty, staff) available for review under the Human Resources policies
at the Student Code of Conduct and
Procedures (students) available at
Employee Signature: _______________________________________________
Employee Printed Name: ____________________________________________
Employee ID: ____________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________
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