Lake County Consortium
Revised 8/2018 1
Attachment 7: For CHDOs ONLY - Tier 2 Application Form
Please review the CHDO Set-Aside Project Role Requirements in the CHDO Certification Application
then indicate below what role the CHDO will play in the project.
CHDO: _________________________________________________________________________________
Project: ________________________________________________________________________________
Check one:
The CHDO Set-Aside project is a
Homebuyer Project (must act as Developer)
Rental Project
The project intends to use LIHTC as a source of funding
Yes (must act as Sponsor)
The CHDO will act as
Entity that will act as Developer: ____________________________________________________________
Entity that will act as Owner: _______________________________________________________________
Entity that will act as Sponsor: ______________________________________________________________
Period of Affordability Recognition
CHDOs that apply for affordable housing funding and receive CHDO set-aside HOME funding for a rental
or homebuyer project are expected to remain a CHDO throughout the period of affordability of the
project. In order to remain a CHDO, organizations must maintain all characteristics of a CHDO required
by the Code of Federal Regulations (legal structure requirements, independence requirements,
accountability to the low-income community requirements, and financial requirements). Additionally,
CHDOs are expected to maintain the capacity to oversee projects throughout the period of affordability
and abide by all long-term compliance reporting requirements associated with the period of
Please sign below to indicate that you understand the expectation that CHDOs will maintain CHDO
status throughout the period of affordability.
Name of Representative: ______________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
Signature and date: ___________________________________________________________________
click to sign
click to edit