Montana State University-Billings
Athletic Training Program
Recommendation Form
To the student: Please distribute this form to those individuals that you have asked to submit recommendations
for your admission to the MSU-Billings Athletic Training Program.
Applicant Name ____________________________________
Address __________________________
Phone _______________________
_____ I waive the right to see rating submitted by individual evaluators
_____ I retain the right to see ratings of individual evaluators
Date ____________ Applicant’s Signature __________________________________________________
The above named has applied to the MSU-Billings Athletic Training Program. This is a competitive
concentration within the Department of Health and Human Services. The athletic training curriculum
requires more than 20 hours of clinical experience each week in addition to regular classroom activities.
Athletic training students will interact with coaches, athletes, physicians, and other health care
professionals. There are often many more applicants than slots available within the concentration. Your
comments will help us select those students who are most likely to be successful in our program.
Please check the box that best describes the applicant:
Excellent Above Average Below Unable to
Average Average Judge
Academic Potential
Verbal Communication Skills
Written Communication Skills
Potential as a Leader
Self Confidence
Time Management Skills
Instructions for Completing Form Online