Step 1:
1. Instructor gives the completed “Assignment of Incomplete” form to the Dean, along with a
sealed envelope enclosing the work to be completed and the class syllabus. The Dean files
the sealed envelope pending completion.
Note: Envelope is not to be opened except in unforeseeable conditions.
2. Dean reviews the “Assignment of Incomplete” form for compliance with Title 5;
3. Dean retains a copy of the “Assignment of Incomplete” form, and sends original to the
Admissions & Records office;
4. Admissions & Records sends a copy to the student, and sends the original to District
Records office; and
5. District Records office will process the form and retain the original.
Step 2: (Upon completion of the required assignments)
1. Student completes the assignment;
2. Instructor grades the assignment and assigns final grade on “Grade Assignment/Change”
3. Instructor submits the form to the Admissions & Records office; and
4. Admissions & Records sends the form to the District Records office for processing, and
notifies the Dean that the process is complete.
Step 3: (In the event of unforeseen circumstances, and the Instructor is no longer able to
work with the student on incomplete assignment)
1. Student will be referred to the Dean;
2. Dean will work with the Department Chair to allow student to fulfill requirements;
3. The Department Chair or other designated faculty will grade the assignment and assign the
final grade on the “Grade Assignment/Change” form and submit it to Admissions & Records;
4. Admissions & Records sends the form to the District Records office for processing.