Distribution: Upon Dean approval a copy will be mailed to the student; original retained in District Records Office
San Diego Community College District
Assignment of Incomplete (“I”)
Instructor: Please Print
City Mesa Miramar Fall Spring Summer Year:
Student Name: Student ID Number:
(PRINT) Last First MI
Subject/Course: Class Number:
(i.e. PSYC 125)
Title of Course: Units:
INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION - Student is assigned an “I” (Incomplete) grade for the course indicated above.
IMPORTANT - In accordance with Title 5, Section § 55023(e), an “I” symbol (Incomplete) may be assigned for incomplete
academic work for unforeseeable, emergency and justifiable reasons at the end of the term.
1. List below the conditions for removal of the “I” grade (student may not repeat the course to remove incomplete grade):
2. A copy and/or description of the conditions for removal noted above must be provided to the Dean in a sealed
envelope in the event of an emergency.
3. The conditions above must be completed by: NOT TO EXCEED ONE YEAR*
*NOTE: An “I” grade must be made up no later than one (1) year following the end of the semester in which it
was assigned.
4. Last date of the semester in which the class met:
5. Indicate grade to be assigned if the Incomplete (“I”) is NOT made up by the date specified above:
NOTE: “W” and “IP” grades may not be assigned.
Enter Grade
Instructor’s Name:
(Please PRINT)
Instructor’s Signature: Date:
Submit completed form to the Dean.
Dean’s Name:
Dean’s Signature: Date:
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Step 1:
1. Instructor gives the completed “Assignment of Incomplete” form to the Dean, along with a
sealed envelope enclosing the work to be completed and the class syllabus. The Dean files
the sealed envelope pending completion.
Note: Envelope is not to be opened except in unforeseeable conditions.
2. Dean reviews the “Assignment of Incomplete” form for compliance with Title 5;
3. Dean retains a copy of the “Assignment of Incomplete” form, and sends original to the
Admissions & Records office;
4. Admissions & Records sends a copy to the student, and sends the original to District
Records office; and
5. District Records office will process the form and retain the original.
Step 2: (Upon completion of the required assignments)
1. Student completes the assignment;
2. Instructor grades the assignment and assigns final grade on Grade Assignment/Change
3. Instructor submits the form to the Admissions & Records office; and
4. Admissions & Records sends the form to the District Records office for processing, and
notifies the Dean that the process is complete.
Step 3: (In the event of unforeseen circumstances, and the Instructor is no longer able to
work with the student on incomplete assignment)
1. Student will be referred to the Dean;
2. Dean will work with the Department Chair to allow student to fulfill requirements;
3. The Department Chair or other designated faculty will grade the assignment and assign the
final grade on the Grade Assignment/Change form and submit it to Admissions & Records;
4. Admissions & Records sends the form to the District Records office for processing.