Risk Organization: _______________________________
Matrix Event Name: _______________________________
This form has been provided as an educational tool to help student leaders develop a process for identifying and discussing potential risk
issues. This form is intended to use as part of a larger event planning discussion and is not designed to take the place of a careful review of
applicable rules, policies, laws or discussions with an advisor.
Does this event fit the mission of
your organization and the University?
Please explain. List all aspects of your
event, including low and high risk
Think through all the things that
could go wrong. Identify risk
associated with each activity and
utilize the matrix to determine the
level of risk associated with each
activity before apply any risk
management strategies.
Things to consider:
Does a third party carry liability?
Have you read University policies?
Would you need to purchase
Consider what your organization
could do to manage the risk and
bring it to a reasonable level.
Should this event require risk
awareness or release forms?
Are there alternate events that are
less risky and could fulfill the
Is your group interested in imposing
additional guidelines?
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Recognized Student Organization Event Planning