3. Describe the expected outcomes of your project.
4. Describe the target audience or participants in terms of size, age range, Bowie residency, and
how they will be determined or selected. Include information on planned accommodations for
persons with disabilities.
5. Describe all plans to encourage the public to attend and / or participate in your project. This
should include specific plans for advertising your project, i.e. social media, local media, etc.
6. Proposed calendar / schedule
7. A detailed budget using the enclosed form. Your budget must account for the entire project and
include any additional funding sources as well as in-kind donations. Reimbursement of expenses
cannot exceed the dollar amount requested per line item on the budget form.
8. Please include ticket/admission price or registration fee, if applicable and proposed usage of
Applicants must also provide:
1. Documentation that the venue and date(s) for the event have been approved.
2. Two Letters of Reference.
3. The signed City of Bowie "Hold Harmless" statement.
4. A signed 2019-2020 Arts Grant Application Check Sheet and Certification.
The following judging criteria will be used and should be addressed in your grant proposal:
1. Will the proposed project engage city residents in the arts? Does the applicant clearly explain
why their project will provide a unique, creative and/or valuable arts experience for City
residents? If a specific population is targeted, is it appropriate for the proposed project? Please
note: a majority of the participants and/or target audience should be City of Bowie residents.
2. For non-performance based projects, is the method of selection or invitation for participation
clear and appropriate? For performances, is there an effective plan to encourage the public to
3. Is the budget presented in sufficient detail? Has the use of the funds been clearly defined and is
it appropriate for the activity? Has adequate information about other grants or sources of
funding been provided?
4. Does it appear that the project can be successfully completed? Does the applicant have the
necessary experience and qualifications to successfully complete the proposed project?
Project proposals that address one or more of these criteria will receive a preference:
• Projects that will provide ongoing benefits to the City. (Value added)
• Projects that will be able to continue unassisted in the future.
• Projects that will positively address larger numbers of City residents.
• Projects targeted at under-served audiences within the City population.