Applicant Name
(Last, First, MI)
Please complete this page if the position you are applying will require you to drive a vehicle as part of your job
I understand to operate a personally owned vehicle or fleet motor vehicle for the furtherance of State business purposes I must
have an acceptable driving record and complete applicable driver training as required by Arizona Administrative
Code R2-10-207(11).
I understand the Driver Protection Privacy Act of 1994, amended September 1997, prohibits the release of my Motor Vehicle
Record for reasons other than matters of motor vehicle or driver safety.
I understand I may be asked and would be responsible for providing a copy of my thirty-nine (39) month motor vehicle record
history if I do not have a current Arizona driver license.
Name (print as it appears on your driver license)
Do you have a current
valid U.S. driver license?
Driver License Number
State of Issue
Do you have a current
valid U.S. commercial
Driver License Number
State of Issue
driver license?
I certify that all the information provided in this application and in support of this selection process (i.e., resume) herein is true and
complete to the best of my knowledge. I agree and understand that omissions, misstatements and falsifications may cause
forfeiture on my part of all eligibility to any employment with the State of Arizona and may be cause for rejection of this
application, removal of my name from eligibility lists, or dismissal from State employment. In addition, I give the State of Arizona
the right to investigate and verify any information obtained through the application process. Permission is granted and I release
from any and all liability any employer, agency, individual or educational institution assisting the State of Arizona in providing
relevant, job-related information that will assist in the process.
My signature below certifies that I have read and understand this application and agree to the terms and conditions
outlined in the document.
Arizona State Government is an AA/EOE/ADA Reasonable Accommodation Employer.
Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting the agency Human Resources Office.
Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation.
ASPS/HRD FA3.01 (1) 4/19
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