institution/administrator, e- mail address, fax number, classification of nursing program
by both educational degree (diploma, ADN, BSN) and licensure (RN/PN/Multiple exit).
B. A description and short history of the program and parent institution.
C. The Provisional Application Worksheet that contains each and every rule to be addressed:
R4-19- 207 (D) and R4-19-201 to R4-19-206 with an accompanying narrative analyzing
the extent to which the program complies with the rule. When writing the narrative, do
not just affirm that the rule is met. The evidence demonstrating compliance with the full
rule needs to be disclosed. For example there are criteria for faculty evaluation. The fact
that full-time faculty are evaluated does not address the rule until all criteria as applied to
all faculty are discussed.
D. An appendix to include supporting documents such as charts, comparison graphs, and the
evaluation plan (as described in the self-study guidelines). This is a list of documents to
include in the self-study is detailed below. Other materials may be requested during the
Signed facility availability forms to cover all admitted cohorts until the first cohort
Regional or national and state accreditation documents
A comparison chart of the mission and goals statements of both the program and the
parent institution showing consistency of mission and goals
Organizational chart(s) indicating the position of the program within the overall
structure of the parent organization and the organization within the program
Job description for nursing program administrator
Program Systematic Evaluation Plan
Faculty evaluation tools/forms
Job descriptions for faculty
Faculty handbook/bylaws/policies that pertain to rule compliance (just include
specific pages or paste policies)
Nursing student policies that pertain to rule compliance (just include specific pages or
paste policies)
Curriculum as specified in “Curriculum Guidelines for Provisional Approval”
If known, faculty name(s), AZ or multi-state compact license #, educational
background (including whether master’s degree is with a major in nursing), teaching
responsibilities, and years of patient care experience—if not known, this needs to be
submitted 60 days before the start of nursing classes.
II. Other Items: these items should be submitted to Board staff only; they do not need to be bound
into the self-study
A. One copy of the college catalogue
B. One copy of the nursing student handbook
C. One copy of nursing program faculty handbook
Following submission and review of these materials, a determination of completeness will be
made. If substantially complete, a site visit will be scheduled.
Rules R4-19-201 through R4-19-207 are provided in the Provisional Application Worksheet.
The purpose of the site visit is to clarify, amplify and verify the contents of the self-study
submitted to the Board. The rules (A.A.C. R4-19-201 to R4-19-207) will be used as the criteria
that must be met in order for Board approval to continue.