Arizona FinTech Sandbox
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Do You conduct business in a state or foreign jurisdiction other than Arizona? [If
so, list the jurisdictions and briefly describe Your business activities.] Yes No
Do You already possess a license or other authorization under another
jurisdiction’s laws regulating the Product or Service or a similar financial product
or service? [If so, list the license and/or authorization, including any license number, and
what product or service it relates to.] Yes No
Are You licensing or otherwise using any key technology or intellectual property
from a third party as part of Your proposed Product or Service? [If so, provide the
name(s) of the third party(ies) and a brief description of what is being licensed or used and
whether Your license extends for the duration of the proposed Test.] Yes No
If admitted into the Sandbox, will You work with other individuals or entities
outside Your business to develop Your Product or Service while it is in the
Sandbox or to Test the Product or Service while it is in the Sandbox? [If yes,
provide the following information in a Supporting Document: Name(s); mailing and location
addresses; telephone number(s); email address(es); website(s); and a brief description of
each individual or entity’s role.] Yes No
Have You or any of Your Key Personnel ever been convicted of a felony; had an
order, judgment, or sentence imposed, or entered into an assurance or settlement,
for any type of fraud, money laundering, or a breach of fiduciary duty or trust; or
been the target of a government investigation or regulatory action related to the
provision or advertisement of goods or services? [If yes, provide the following
information in a Supporting Document: Name of the person(s) or entity(ies) involved;
jurisdiction(s) in which the incident(s) occurred; case numbers; the date(s) of any
conviction(s), judgment(s), and/or other resolution(s).] Yes No
Explain how Your Product or Service is eligible for the Sandbox. [Explain how it is
Innovative and Your understanding of how the Product or Service, outside the Sandbox,
may be subject to regulation under A.R.S. Title 6 and/or Title 44 (Chapters 2.1 and 13).]