Arizona Department of Financial Institutions
100 North 15th Avenue, Suite 261
Phoenix, AZ 85007
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(c) in the past ten years dismissed, pursuant to a settlement agreement, a financial
services-related civil action brought against the applicant by a State or foreign
financial regulatory authority?
(a) in the past ten years enjoined the individual in connection with any financial
services-related activity?
(b) in the past ten years found the individual to be in violation of any financial services-
related statute(s) or regulation(s)?
(g) Is the individual named in any pending financial services-related civil action that could
result in a "yes" answer to any part of (f)?
(1) been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere ("no contest") in a domestic,
foreign, or military court to any felony?
(b) In the past ten years has the individual:
(1) found the individual to have made a false statement or omission or been dishonest,
unfair or unethical?
(1) been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere ("no contest") in a domestic,
foreign, or military court to a misdemeanor involving: financial services or a financial
services-related business; any fraud, false statements, or omissions; any theft or
wrongful taking of property; bribery; perjury; forgery; counterfeiting; extortion; or a
conspiracy to commit any of these offenses?
(2) been charged with a misdemeanor specified in 4(B)(1)?
(a) Has the individual ever:
(2) been charged with any felony?
B. Regulatory Action Disclosure
(c) In the past ten years, has any State or federal regulatory agency or foreign financial
C. Civil Judicial Disclosure
(d) Has the individual’s authorization to act as an attorney, accountant, or State or federal
contractor ever been revoked or suspended?
(e) Is the individual now the subject of any regulatory proceeding that could result in a "yes"
answer to any part of 4(C)?
(f) Has any domestic or foreign court:
(2) found the individual to have been involved in a violation of a financial services-
related regulation(s) or statute(s)?
(3) found the individual to have been a cause of a financial services-related business
having its authorization to do business denied, suspended, revoked or restricted?
(4) entered an order against the individual in connection with a financial services-related
(5) denied, suspended, or revoked the individual’s registration or license or otherwise,
by order, prevented it from associating with a financial services-related business or
restricted its activities?
If the answer to any of the following is “YES”, provide complete details of all events or proceedings in an
attachment, including as applicable; name and location of court, docket or case number, and status and
summary of event or proceeding; copies of applicable charge(s), order(s), and/or consent agreement(s). Refer
to the explanation of terms section of the instructions for explanations of italicized terms. Remember to file
updates of these disclosures as needed.