Regulations Pertaining to Nest Run Egg Producers
A.R.S. § 3-715. Unlawful sales; unlawful designations
A. It is unlawful to sell to retailers or consumers eggs which are nest run, except that a person may sell
to retailers or consumers twenty five cases of such eggs from his own production each calendar year.
Retailers may sell such eggs to consumers only if such eggs when on hand, offered for sale or placed
on sale are clearly marked "NEST RUN". Each placard for cases, half cases, cartons or containers of
such eggs and all advertising, invoices and egg purchase tickets relating to such eggs shall likewise be
clearly marked "nest run" as prescribed in this article. The total quantity of nest run eggs on hand or
on sale at any time shall not exceed the total quantity of such eggs as shown on invoices or egg
purchase tickets.
Any person who sells nest run eggs shall keep an invoice or egg purchase ticket as prescribed in
section 3-718.
B. Any person proposing to sell nest run eggs shall, prior to any such sales, notify the department in
writing of his intent to sell such eggs and specify his location, the number of laying hens he owns or
which are or in his possession, the place of production and the general area of the state in which such
eggs are to be sold.
C. It is unlawful for any person selling any portion of his daily production as graded eggs to sell any
portion thereof as nest run eggs, except that any person may change his sales from graded to nest run
if he notifies the department in writing prior to such change.
D. It is unlawful for any person selling any portion of his daily production as nest run eggs to sell any
portion thereof as graded eggs, except that any person may change his sales from nest run eggs to
graded eggs if he notifies the department in writing within five days from the date of change.
E. Any person selling nest run eggs as provided in this section shall notify the department in writing
within five days from the date each calendar year his total sales of such eggs amount to twenty five
cases (750 dozens).
F. The department shall keep a record of all notifications made under this section.
G. It is unlawful to sell or represent as chicken eggs, eggs from any other species of fowl, or mixed
eggs from more than one species of fowl, or eggs from ducks, turkeys, geese or any species of fowl
other than chickens without marking the cases, half cases, containers and subcontainers of such eggs
and indicating fully by sign or placard for bulk lots the species of fowl from which such eggs were
H. It is unlawful to place on open display in retail stores cases with markings or any designation of
brand, size, grade or other matter which does not properly and accurately apply to the eggs placed or
packed therein unless all of such markings have been removed, erased or obliterated.