Legacy Tuition Waiver Form
Wichita State University will provide resident tuition to a non-resident student who meets the following qualifications:
• Non-resident student paying non-resident tuition rates whose parent, step-parent, legal guardian, grandparent or step
grandparent graduated from WSU with an associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral degree
Submit this Legacy Tuition Waiver Form to the Registrar's Office with supporting documentation
Waivers will be applied within the current academic year
This application must be completed by a non-resident student who has been admited to Wichita State University. The non-
resident to resident rate tuition waiver will be approved when all of the information has been verified. Once the review has
been completed, the waiver will be applied to the student's account. The student must be classified as a non-resident student
who pays non-resident tuition rates to receive this waiver.
The completed form may be mailed, emailed (student.verification@wichita.edu), faxed (316-978-3795), or brought to the
Registrar's Office at 1845 Fairmount, Box 58, Wichita, KS 67260.
First Name Middle Inital Last Name
myWSUID Number
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) State of Residence Country of Residence
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Last 4 Digits of Soc. Sec. No.
Degree(s) Earned Graduation Month/Year Relationship to Student
Student has been admitted to WSU
(for internal verification purposes)
Required Documents
Please provide a copy of one of the following documents with this form to determine relationship:
Birth Certificate
Marriage License
Tax Return
Other document
Applicant’s signature _________________________________________________________________ Date _______________
I certify that the information provided in this application is true, accurate and complete without misrepresentation. I understand that if this
information is found to be false or misleading, this fact alone is sufficient cause for my being denied partial tuition waivers by the Legacy
plan now and in the future. In consideration of the University’s provision of any partial tuition waiver to me, I agree to repay as a lawful
debt owed to Wichita State University any tuition that is waived based on false or misleading information I provide.
Birth Certificate
Marriage License
Tax Return
Other International Document:
Office Use Only
Registrar Financial Operations
Date Received: ________________________ Date Received: ____________________
Date Approved: ________________________ Date Applied: ____________________
(Revised 10/01/14)
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