Academic Program Review Guidelines
California State University, Chico
1. During the past five academic years, were you considered to be a tenured/tenure track or part-time employee?
Tenured/Tenure-Track ____ Part-Time ____
2. If you served as chair of the department during any of the past five academic years, please indicate the chair appointment timebase for each
year served.
( Year ) ______ ( Year ) ______ ( Year ) ______ ( Year ) ______ ( Year ) ______
3. If you served as coordinator of the program during any of the past five academic years, please indicate the appointment timebase for each
year served.
( Year ) ______ ( Year ) ______ ( Year ) ______ ( Year ) ______ ( Year ) ______
4. If you were given a reduced teaching load or assigned time during the past five academic years, please indicate how many units were you
released from and whether it was funded by the University or outside sources?
Units University Outside Source Purpose
( Year )
( Year )
( Year )
( Year )
( Year )
5. Please indicate how many different committees you served on during the past five academic years (please do not include thesis, exam or
orals committees).
( Year ) ( Year ) ( Year ) ( Year ) ( Year )
Department/Program Committees
School/College Committees
University Committees
6. In an average week, how many hours do you spend doing each of the following (please give best estimate if not sure):
# Hours
Scholarly/Creative Activities
Teaching (include all aspects of instruction; e.g. classroom time, preparation, grading)
Advising Students
University, College and Departmental Service
Service Learning
Fund Raising
Community or Professional Service Activities (unpaid/pro-bono)
Other, Specify
7. Please use the spaces below to indicate how many different and types of course preparations you taught each term during the past five
academic years:
Different Preparations New Preparations On-Line Web Based
( Semester )
( Semester )
( Semester )
( Semester )
( Semester )
( Semester )
( Semester )
( Semester )
( Semester )
( Semester )
8. For the following workload questions, please mark the most appropriate response:
Higher About the Same Lower Don’t Know
a. Compared to other faculty in my discipline, my workload is:
b. Compared to other faculty in my institution, my workload is:
c. Compared to other faculty in my department, my workload is:
d. Compared to my expectations when I took the job, my workload is:
9. The statements below reflect the relationship you have with your department. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree,
somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements:
Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
a. I am treated with respect in my department
b. I feel that my department values my contributions
c. The department’s expectations of my workload are consistent
with my expectations
d. Participation in faculty governance is rewarded by my department
e. Participation in department/program committees is rewarded
in my department
f. Participation in university, school or college committees is
rewarded by my department
g. Effective teaching is rewarded at my institution
10. How satisfied or dissatisfied do you personally feel about each of the following aspects of your job in this department?
Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Not
Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Applicable
a. My overall work load
b. My job security
c. The mix of teaching, research, administration, and
service (as applicable) that I am required to do
d. Time available for working with student as an
advisor, mentor, etc.
e. Teaching assistance that I receive (graduate
assistants, student assistants, etc.)
f. Facilities for scholarly and creative activities
g. Teaching facilities
h. Office space
i. Classroom technology
j. Support for professional development
k. Availability of equipment
l. Availability of technical support
m. Availability of clerical support
n. Library and information resources
11. Approximately how many of each of the following have you presented/published/completed during each of the past five academic years?
( Year ) ( Year ) ( Year ) ( Year ) ( Year )
a. Articles or creative work published in referred
professional or trade journals
b. Articles or creative work published in non-referred
professional or trade journals
c. Articles or creative work published in popular media or
in-house newsletters
d. Published reviews of books, articles, or creative works
e. Chapter in edited volumes
f. Textbooks
g. Monographs
h. Other Books
i. Research or technical reports disseminated internally or
to clients
j. Presentations at conferences, workshops, etc.
k. Juried exhibitions or performances in the fine/applied arts
l. Non-Juried exhibitions or performances in the fine/applied arts
m. Patents or copyrights
n. Reviewing articles or creative work for publication or
o. Computer software products
p. Serving on editorial boards/jury panels
q. Accreditation reviews
r. Web-based on-line instruction materials
12. For each type of student listed below please indicate about how many received individualized instruction (i.e., tutoring, independent study,
directed readings) from you in a typical week during the past five academic years. Also, indicate the average number of contact hours per
week that you spent providing individualized instruction to each type of student. (Please give your best estimate for an average week)
# of Students Receiving # of Hours of Individualized Instruction
Individual Instruction (not including e-mail and online instruction)
Lower Division
Upper Division
Other Students
13. During the past five academic years, about how many graduate or undergraduate thesis committees, comprehensive exams or orals did you
chair or serve on at this institution?
Served as Chair Served as Member
Graduate Thesis Committees
Undergraduate Thesis Committees
Comprehensive Exams or Orals Committees
14. Approximately how many office hours per week do you hold?
15. In addition to your scheduled office hours, about how many hours per week do you spend with students outside of
class, in person or by phone?
16. About how many hours per week do you spend in electronic communication with your students, including e-mail and
online instruction?
17. About how many students do you counsel and advise per term?
18. The statements below reflect ways you interact with students. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat
disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements.
Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
a. I encourage students to see me outside of class.
b. I encourage students to work with other students on projects
outside of class.
c. I ask students to work cooperatively and collaboratively during class.
d. I respond promptly to student work with feedback that allows them to
e. I demand a lot of my students.
f. I encourage students to ask questions in class.
g. I vary classroom/instructional activities to accommodate different
learning styles of students.
h. I talk to students about career opportunities in my field.
I. I inform student about opportunities to learn outside of the classroom.