California State University, Chico
1. During the past five academic years, were you considered to be a tenured/tenure track or part-time employee?
Tenured/Tenure-Track _____ Part-Time _____
2. For the following workload questions, please mark the most appropriate response:
Higher About the Same Lower Don’t Know
a. Compared to other faculty in my discipline, my workload is:
b. Compared to other faculty in my institution, my workload is:
c. Compared to other faculty in my department, my workload is:
d. Compared to my expectations when I took the job, my workload is:
3. The statements below reflect the relationship you have with your department. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree,
somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements:
Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
a. I am treated with respect in my department
b. I feel that my department values my contributions
c. The department’s expectations of my workload are consistent
with my expectations
d. Participation in faculty governance is rewarded by my department
e. Participation in department/program committees is rewarded
in my department
f. Participation in university, school or college committees is
rewarded by my department
g. Effective teaching is rewarded at my institution