City of Paducah
Request for
Appointment to Boards & Commissions Application
If you are interested in serving on one of the City Boards or Commissions, please
complete this form and questionnaire and return along with your resume or bio to:
Claudia Meeks
City Clerk’s Office
City of Paducah
P.O. Box 2267
Paducah, KY 42002-2267
or e-mail to Claudia Meeks
Please Print
Name (First) _______________________(Last) _____________________
Address ______________________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different) ____________________________________
City ________________________ State _______ Zip _________________
Home Phone __________________ Cell Phone ________________
E-mail Address _______________________________________________
Please list the Boards or Commissions you prefer to serve
on. (see attached form for list).
Choice ____________________________________________________
Choice ___________________________________________________
Choice ____________________________________________________
1. Please list education or training relevant to your choice(s):
Please list work experience relevant to your choice(s):
Please list community volunteer service relevant to your choice(s):
2. I would like to serve in the indicated positions(s) because:
3. The following references may be contacted:
4. Are you a resident of Paducah, KY?
Yes No
5. Are you a resident of McCracken County, KY?
Yes No
6. Please submit a resume and/or brief autobiography.
I understand the role and responsibility of membership on these Boards or Commissions and I
am willing to serve. In applying for appointment, I understand that the Mayor, Commissioners,
board members and the Clerk’s Office may contact me and/or the references above through the
contact information listed.
Please return application to:
Claudia Meeks
City Clerk’s Office
PO Box 2267
Paducah, KY 42002
Your application will be kept on file for three years or until appointment. Thank you for applying.
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Paducah Boards & Commissions
1. Paducah Airport Corporation
2. Board of Adjustment
3. Board of Assessment Appeals
4. Board of Ethics
5. Brooks Stadium Commission
6. Civic Beautification Board
7. Board of Civil Service Commission
8. Commissioners of Water Works
9. Electric Plant Board
10. Building Code & Electrical Appeals Board
11. Forest Hills Village, Inc.
12. Historical & Architectural Review Commission
13. Municipal Housing Commission
14. Paducah Junior College Board of Trustees
15. Paducah Golf Commission
16. Paducah Human Rights Commission
17. Paducah-McCracken County Convention and Visitors Bureau
18. Paducah-McCracken County Convention Center Corporation
19. Paducah-McCracken County Riverport Authority
20. Paducah-McCracken County Senior Citizens, Inc.
21. Paducah Planning Commission
22. Paducah Area Transit Authority
23. Paducah Main Street Board
24. Paducah Creative & Cultural Council
25. Paducah McCracken Co. Telecommunication & Information Authority
26. Paducah-McCracken Co. Industrial Development Authority
27. Paducah-McCracken County Joint Sewer Agency
28. Historic Property Redevelopment Committee
29. Code Enforcement Board
30. Tree Advisory Board
31. Paducah Riverfront Development Authority