Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Appointment of Agent for Single-Family
Residential Property Tax Matters
Date received (appraisal district use only)
Appraisal district name Appraisal district phone
(area code and number)
In some cases, you may want to contact your appraisal district or other local taxing units for free information and/or forms concerning your case
before designating an agent.
You can use this form:
• Tonameataxagenttorepresentyouonpropertytaxmattersinvolvingsingle-familyresidentialproperty;
• Todirectthattaxnoticesinvolvingsingle-familyresidentialpropertybemailedtoapersonyouname.
STEP 1: Owner’s name and address
Owner’s name
Present mailing address (number and street)
City, town or post office, state, ZIP code Phone
(area code and number)
STEP 2: Describe the property
All property listed for this owner at the above address
If not all property listed above, give account number or legal description of property (continue on attached pages if needed):
STEP 3: Specify the agent’s authority for property tax matters (skip to step 6 if you want to change tax notice mailing)
General power to represent me in property tax matters concerning the single-family residential property
Specied powers: the agent has only the powers checked below:
File applications for exemptions.
File notices of protest and present protests before the appraisal review board.
Receive condential information.
Negotiate and resolve disputed tax matters.
Other action (specify). _____________________________________________________________________________
STEP 4: Name the agent for property tax matters
Agent’s name
Present mailing address (number and street)
_______________________________________________________________________ _________________________
City, town or post office, state, ZIP code Phone (area code and number)
The Property Tax Assistance Division at the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts provides property tax
information and resources for taxpayers, local taxing entities, appraisal districts and appraisal review boards.
For more information, visit our website:
50-241 • 03-17/3
PO Box 830248, San Antonio, TX 78283