Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Appointment of Agent for Single-Family
Residential Property Tax Matters
Date received (appraisal district use only)
Appraisal district name Appraisal district phone
(area code and number)
In some cases, you may want to contact your appraisal district or other local taxing units for free information and/or forms concerning your case
before designating an agent.
You can use this form:
• Tonameataxagenttorepresentyouonpropertytaxmattersinvolvingsingle-familyresidentialproperty;
• Todirectthattaxnoticesinvolvingsingle-familyresidentialpropertybemailedtoapersonyouname.
STEP 1: Owners name and address
Owner’s name
Present mailing address (number and street)
City, town or post office, state, ZIP code Phone
(area code and number)
STEP 2: Describe the property
All property listed for this owner at the above address
If not all property listed above, give account number or legal description of property (continue on attached pages if needed):
STEP 3: Specify the agent’s authority for property tax matters (skip to step 6 if you want to change tax notice mailing)
General power to represent me in property tax matters concerning the single-family residential property
Specied powers: the agent has only the powers checked below:
File applications for exemptions.
File notices of protest and present protests before the appraisal review board.
Receive condential information.
Negotiate and resolve disputed tax matters.
Other action (specify). _____________________________________________________________________________
STEP 4: Name the agent for property tax matters
Agent’s name
Present mailing address (number and street)
_______________________________________________________________________ _________________________
City, town or post office, state, ZIP code Phone (area code and number)
The Property Tax Assistance Division at the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts provides property tax
information and resources for taxpayers, local taxing entities, appraisal districts and appraisal review boards.
For more information, visit our website:
50-241 • 03-17/3
Bexar Appraisal District
PO Box 830248, San Antonio, TX 78283
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Page 2
STEP 5: Date the agent’s authority ends
If you do not ll in a date, the agent’s authority will continue indenitely. You must le a statement revoking
this form or designate a new agent to end the agent’s authority.
Complete steps 6-9 if you want tax notices mailed to an agent.
STEP 6: Check if you want property tax notices delivered to an agent
I want my agent to receive all my property tax notices and other communications for this single-family residential property, including appraisal notices,
appraisal review board orders and hearing notices, tax bills and collection notices.
I want my agent to receive only the following:
All communications from the chief appraiser.
All orders, notices and other communications from the appraisal review board.
All tax bills and notices from all taxing units served by the appraisal district.
NOTE: These notices can affect your legal rights. The affected offices are not required by law to send you duplicate copies.
STEP 7: Describe the property for which property tax notices will be delivered
Give account number or legal description of the single-family residential property (continue on attached pages if needed):
My agent will provide a list
NOTE: The designation of an agent to receive communications only applies to single-family residential properties you expressly identify and only affects notices generated after the
date you file the list identifying the property with the appraisal district.
STEP 8: Name the person who will get the notices
Name of person or rm
Present mailing address (number and street)
_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________
City, town or post office, state, ZIP code Phone (area code and number)
STEP 9: Date the change of delivery ends
If you do not ll in a date, tax notices will continue to be mailed to your agent indenitely. You must le a
statement revoking this form or designate a new agent to end the agent’s authority.
STEP 10: Sign the form
________________________________________________________________ __________________________
Owner, property manager, or person authorized to act on behalf of the owner. Date the designation took effect
If you make a false statement on this form, you could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under Texas Penal Code
Section 37.10.
For more information, visit our website: comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax
50-241 • 03-17/3
click to sign
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